N E W S – 1999


N E W S – Januar 1999

Teaching process resumes in University “Luigj Gurakuqi” in Shkoder

The students of different faculties of the University “Luigj Gurakuqi” in Shkoder rebegun the lessons on Monday. The vice-rector of this University, Artan Haxhi, told ATA that after the winter holidays, 1 600 students of the 12 faculties resumed normally the teaching process. The measures to welcome the students from the northern and east-northern parts of Albania who live in dormitories were taken in time. According to Mr. Haxhi, the work for improving the students conditions is being carried out through a fund worth 4 million leks, accorded by the state budget. So the demands presented in the Shkodra rectorate at the end of the year by the Independent Students’ Union are met.

Strike of teachers of Shkoder continues

SHKODER, Jan.6 (ata)
The meeting of the activists of the independent education trade unions in the district of Shkoder, held Wednesday, decided that the strike started about two weeks ago by local teachers, must continue until the demands presented two weeks ago to the Ministry of Education and Science are fulfilled. After the meeting between the representatives of this trade union and Minister of Edcuation and Science, Et’hem Ruka on Tuesday, the chairman of the strike commission Pac Sheldia told ATA that they saw a complete readiness on the part of the Minister for the solution of the economic demands of the teachers. In a meeting held Wednesday with the deputy minister Andrea Marko, the strikers were told of the promises of Minister Ruka for the solution to their demands such as the removal of the Solidarity Tax (for the police), the increase of the labour difficulty coefficient by 15 % and the signing of collective labour contracts. Marko said that the collective contract of labour will be signed right after the meeting with two of the biggest trade unions on education. As for the demand for a salary increase, he said it will be presented to the government, while for the Solidarity Tax a proposal will be made to the Ministry of Finance so that it be reduced from 500 to 100 lek per month for the teachers. Marko asked the strikers to end the strike until January 15, a deadline set for the strikers to receive an answer to their demands. But the trade union activists decided that the strike would continue until their demands are met.

Cooperation between Institute of Danish Culture and Albania

TIRANE, jan 18 (ATA)
The several day visit to Tirane of the Secretary General of the Institute of the Danish Culture Finn Andersen marked a higher cooperation between this Institute and Albania. Invited by the Institute of Social Insurances of Albania, Andersen met with personalities of Albanian Government such as with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Paskal Milo, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Kadri Rrapi, the Minister of Education Et’hem Ruka, the Rector of the Tirane University, Marenglen Spiro, etc. The Institute of Danish Culture started its activity in Albania seven years ago in three main fields: arts, culture, social society. Within this year, the week of Albanian culture will be held in Denmark. Albanian folkloric groups, artists of cinematography will be invited in Denmark and Albanian feature and documentary films will be shown. One of the days of this week will be for the Albanian traditional cooking. In spring this year, a group of doctors from the hospitals of the districts of Tirane, Shkoder, Burrel, Kukes will visit Denmark with the assistance of this Institute. Finn Andersen said that during his talks with Albanian authorities they had agreed to sign an agreement between the Tirane University and that of Copenhagen for assistance in the system of computers, increase of cooperation in the field of social insurances, etc. “Soon our institute will have its affiliate in Tirane,” said Andersen.

Unidentified persons place TNT explosive to leader doorway

A quantity of TNT explosive substance was placed on Tuesday evening at the doorway of the apartment of the local leader of the Socialist party in Shkodra Dashmir Dini. Some 200 grams of TNT were placed at 22.00 at the doorway of the apartment but Dini, himself, managed to defuse it. Police forces rushed to the scene and were investigating on the case. This is the sixth case when explosive substances have been placed at the apartments of local leaders in the city.

First matches of quarter finals of the 47th Cup of Albania to be played on Jan.23

TIRANE, Jan.21 (ATA)
The first matched of the quarter finals of the 47th Cup of Albania in football will be played on the coming Saturday. Follow the teams and the arbiters of the matches:
Lushnja – Tirana, Ylvi Kollari (Tirane)
Apolonia – Partizani, Bujar Pregja (Tirane)
Shqiponja – Vllaznia, Sazan Velçani (Patos)
Flamurtari – Teuta Myrteza Allkja (Elbasan)
The matches will start at 1 p.m.

New prefect nominated in Shkodra

Jetmir Shpuza was nominated on Thursday prefect of Shkodra on decision of the Council of Ministers replacing Ali Lacej. Shpuza, 30, has worked for four years as journalist of Koha Jone newspaper and recently has been director of Radio Shkodra. He has graduated the Albanian language and literature at the “Luigj Gurakuqi” University and has knowledge of English and French languages.

Quarter final matches of 47th Albania Soccer Cup held

TIRANA, Jan. 23 (ATA)
The first matches of the quarterfinal for the 47th Albania Soccer Cup were held on Saturday. These are the following results:
Lushnja – Tirana 1 -1
Apolonia – Partizani 2 -0
Shqiponja – Vllaznia 0 -2
Flamurtari – Teuta 1 -0
The first quarterfinals for the Albanian Soccer Cup were held on 24 January 1998 and these are the results:
Elbasani – Apolonia 4-1
Lushnja – Flamurtari 5-2
Laçi – Tirana 2-1
Partizani – Vllaznia 1-1

New hospitals in Shkoder and Vlore to be built by a Turkish firm

TIRANE, Jan.29 (ATA)
An agreement was signed between the Albanian Ministry of Health and the Turkish Firm “TEPE CONSTRUCTION”, winner of the tender for the construction of new regional hospitals in Shkoder and Vlore. The spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Artur Rada told ATA that these hospital centres will be reconstructed in the context of the project for the health sector, financed by the World Bank. For the hospitals in Albania are provided 7 million USD of which 4 million will be used for the construction of the new buildings, the reconstruction of the existing ones and for their infrastructure, while 3 million will be used for the medical equipment, explains the spokesman. The hospital complex in Shkoder, laying in an area of 3 200 square meters, will be built almost from the beginning and is envisaged to be completed in 12-15 months. Whereas in the hospital complex of Vlore, with an area of 300 square meters work will concentrate on the existing premises and are envisaged to be complete within 7 months. The Turkish firm TEPE CONSTRUCTION is known in the field of construction and reconstruction of hospitals. It has reconstructed hospital centres located in an area of 400 000 square meters in six cities of Turkey.

N E W S – Februar 1999

Chief of the police replaced

The chief of the police commissariat of Malesi e Madhe (Northern Albania) has been replaced by an order of the Public Order Minister last Saturday. The newly appointed chief is Isa Bragaxhai, who until now was chief of police commissariat of another district. The former police chief in Malesi e Madhe, Kujtim Kraja, is appointed inspector in the police department of the prefecture of Shkoder. On the same day, new chiefs were also appointed in the sector of road traffic and border sector close to that commissariat.

New secretary Sport Club Vllaznia named

The football club of Vllaznia will now be directed by the newly-appointed secretary Mehdi Milla. Milla, 53, was named last night by the Municipal Council of the city in the post of the secretary of the Sport Club Vllaznia, replacing the Merited Master of Sport, Sabah Bizi. Milla, a former football player of the local team in 60-70s, has been inspector in the town-hall for the questions of sport, and lately teacher of physical training. Since 1918, 12 teams of football from 8-18 years, has been operating in this club. The team of first category of Vllaznia has been declared champion 7 times and winner of Albania’s Cup in football 5 times.

Presented young judges of Shkodra Court

Shkodra, Feb.10 (ATA)
The Minister of Law Thimjo Kondi introduced on Wednesday the young judges of the Fact Court in Shkodra District. Already the head of this court will be Omir Thanxha, 28, who has been judge at this court. While vice chairman was nominated Ramiz Gjetja, 55, who was head the of this court. After the presentation the heads of this court, the minister of law Kondi said that profesionalism and the responsibility in the work must be the guiding principles of all judges in general. During the truobles in March 1997 and February 1998 almost the whole building of this court is damaged and ruined. Its reconstruction finished in June 1998 by a fond of 9,7 million leks accorded by the state budget.

Roads blocked in remote zones of Shkoder

SHKODER, Feb. 12 (ATA)
The snow that fell recently blocked Friday the roads which connect Shkoder with the remote zones of this district. The spokesman of the prefecture told ATA that the roads which connect the town with the commune of Shllak and Shosh have been blocked, as well as the rural roads of this area.
The thickness of the snow in these zones is more than 25 cm. The ice created from the low temperatures until -10 grade Celsius has blocked the movement of vehicles. According to the spokesman, the department for the maintenance of roads has sent its vehicles to unblock the roads that connect these zones with Shkoder. Actually, inthese zones there is no lack of food stuff, because the winter reserves were sent there before.

CE representatives meets with leaders of local government in Shkoder

The representative of the Council of Europe in Tirane, Andreas Papakonstantinou, in a meeting Friday with local government leaders in Shkoder, took interest in the situation of the public order and the development of investments in that prefecture. Prefect of Shkoder, Jetmir Shpuza, briefed Papakonstantinou of the work going on for the reestablishment of public order in this prefecture. Speaking for the cooperation between local government structures, Prefect Shpuza said that this cooperation is present at all levels of the government and despite their political convictions, the advisers are united by the interest of the city. During this year, said Shpuza, the construction of three important works will be constructed such as the Hydro power station in Bushat, the cement plant in the village Mes by a German firm and the hew hospital complex by a Greek firm. Shpuza said that soon a conference will be held in Shkoder with foreign donors, in which priorities of the investments in this region will be presented. The Council of Europe representative Papakonstantinuo voiced his satisfaction for the fruitful cooperation between the local government structures, adding that a meeting will be held in Vienna of the Friends of Albania Group to discuss the investments in Albania. “I will present in that meeting also some projects for your city,” said Papakonstantinou.

Rally in Shkoder to back Kosove question

SHKODER, Feb. 19 (ATA)
Inhabitants of the city of Shkoder gathered Friday in front of the prefecture offices in a rally in support of the question of Kosove. The rally was held by political parties and non-governmental organizations operating in Shkoder. The speakers in the rally condemned fiercely the crimes of the Serb military-police forces against innocent people of Kosove, forcing the latter to move from their territories. They demanded from the international community a correct solution to the question of Kosove and the denunciation of those who organized the inhuman massacres against women, children and aged people of Kosove. Participants in the rally voiced the belief that the people of Kosove will never kneel down until they will win their freedom. They also addressed a message to the Contact Group demanding among others that just decisions be adopted in the Rambouillet meeting for the status of Kosove.

N E W S – March 1999

Head of EU regional Office in Shkoder replaced

SHKODER, March 6 (ATA)
The head of the European Union (EU) regional office in the Shkoder city has been replaced. Danish Jan Kronenborg, who held this post for more than one year, has been replaced by British Krisp Tomley. Kronenborg has been assigned to another office in Bosnia. The EU regional office in the Shkoder city was opened one year ago with the aim to closely follow the political and economic developments in this region.

(The News about Shkodra in this website were interrupted temporary due to a traffic accident, that happened to me on March 8th, 1999 /AÇ)


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