N E W S – 2001


N E W S – September 2001

International Conference for Peace in Shkodra

September 26, 2001 SHKODRA (KosovaLive) – The International Conference for Peace in Shkodra concluded with the sense that young people should assume their responsibilities for peace in Europe in order to assert decisive steps towards mutual solidarity and freedom, while respect for human dignity is the foundation of sustainable peace and justice.
Conference participants maintained that the strength of youth should be used to respect human dignity. “Do not commit racial discrimination; resolve your conflicts peacefully, intervene without fear to protect human dignity,” declared a joint statement issued by youth from Italy, France, Kosova, Croatia, Germany, Montenegro and Albania.
“War between nations, civil war and ethnic cleansing are Europe’s most painful reality, and present a direct violation of fundamental human rights,” human rights expert Christine Farber told KosovaLive at the end of the conference.
“The unequal distribution of material wealth and the lack of opportunity for education among the lower classes presents an obstacle in development, and separates Europe into rich and poor,” said conference participants.
Young people pledged to assume responsibility and give maximum effort to respect the declaration of human rights. Every endeavor in this direction, however small, asserts the rejection of violence, class division and basic disrespect for human dignity. [b. bala]

N E W S – October 2001

Limprecht: Boycott damages the boycotters, opposition in Parliament

Albania: Shkoder, 2-Oct-2001 4:40 PM
Boycott in Parliament damages more the opposition. This is the message that US ambassador in Tirana, Joseph Limpreht, wanted to send to the opposition from Shkoder, where is paying a visit. “We believe that is would be proper that the opposition returns to the Parliament as the boycotts damages only the ones who boycott,” told Limprecht, backing up OSCE head in Tirana, Geert Ahrens. During his visit in the northern city US ambassador has donated a book collection of American library for Shkoder University “Luigj Gurakuqi”. Parts of this donation were 100 titles over American history and culture. Later he had a meeting with the head of the university. Talking about the actual situation in Macedonia and about the peace agreement there. Limprecht told that it is difficult to define the deadlines for agreement implementation. “We have called on both the parts to respect points of the framework agreement,” told US ambassador.
bl/ko [BalkanWeb]

N E W S – November 2001

Shkoder: Wood processing firms generate 10 per cent of industrial production

SHKODER, November 29/ ATA – M.Malja/ – Wood processing firms account for 10 per cent of industrial production generated in Shkoder district. “Some 104 firms and wood processing lines, 4 of which started their activities this year, operate in this district,” specialist in the office of statistics near the Prefecture Fatos Kopliku said for ATA. According to him, 96 firms are local and produce furniture, chairs, sofas, etc., which are traded outside district, whereas 8 foreign-capital firms produce semi-finished goods, to be exported to Italy. Total production of wood production firms for period January-October has increased by 20%, relative to the same period of the previous year. Some 2,100 persons have been employed in this industry, out of which 420 during the current year alone. Average monthly salary of them varies from 12 thousand to 19 thousand lek.
/s.sh/dori/kled/ — 2001-11-29

Shkodra citizens commemorate the Liberation Day

SHKODRA, Nov 29 (ATA) – By M.Malja: November 29, the National Liberation Day, was commemorated in Shkoder on Thursaday with a number of different activities. At the meeting organized in the Prefecture, the chairman of the district’s veteran committee, Qamal Llazi, noted that “November 28, the Independence Day, and November 29, the Liberation Day, were and will remain very important events for Albanian people.” Representatives from the prefecture, political parties, War Veteran Committee, put wreaths of flowers in the district’s martyrs’ graves, and in “Partizani” monument. A photo-exhibition was opened in the venues of “Luigj Gurakuqi” University with views from the liberation war, in the context of November feasts. Students have organized several cultural and artistic activities.
/s.sh/dori/A.A/ — 2001-11-29

Sport: Soccer-On December 8, the grounds of stadium “Loro Borici” will be ready

Shkoder,Nov 28 (ATA) by M.Malja- On December 8 the field of “Loro Borici” stadium of Shkoder will be ready.The news was made known to the ATA by the man in charge of sport grounds of Vllaznia sport club Fatmir Mehaj. According to him,the fund of 35 million leks allocated by the state budget was used by “Curri” constructive firm for the total rehabilitation of the field.It began five months ago.According to the compiled project by the experts of the ministry of culture, youth and sports in this object is carried out the field drainage, the pavement of the green mat and the plant of the grass(brought from Italy),as well as a number of other works. With the finishing of the work, the field of Shkodra stadium will have contemporary dimensions in line with UEFA standards and there will be played international matches as well. In this way the field of “Loro Borici” stadium will be ready in the last week of the first stage, where there will play the native team Vllaznia against Teuta of Durres. Since the beginning of the soccer national championship in September, the team of the red and blue shirts has played its matches in the stadiums of Lezha and that of Elbasan.Sources close to the sport club Vllaznia make known that very soon will start the construction of two new sport grounds destined for the training of the football teams. Before the 90-ies ,there were 10 sport grounds in Shkodra town.There got training about 430 young footballers.But after 1991 these grounds were taken under possession by various individuals or by their former owners.
/A.KE/p.s./ — 2001-11-28

Shkoder: Exhibition of young painters

Shkoder, Nov 28 (ATA) by M.Malja-A group of painters of the artistic secondary school “Preng Jakova”,of Shkoder town opened Wednesday a painting exhibition in the halls of that school.There are displayed 40 works, including landscapes, quiet natures and portraits in oil which express in a crystal clear way the thought and the artistic level of the young actors. The motifs of the landscapes,the quiet natures, are understandable and are transmitted naturally to the viewers.Works like “Road Kole Idromeno””Vermosh’s nature”,”Mesi’s bridge”,”Characteristic Shkodra houses”,are very realizable and express the sensibility of the future painters in regard to the reality. Since the beginning of the year this is the third exhibition of the young painters of the painting branch of the secondary school “Preng Jakova”.Six months ago five painters of the school have taken part at the International exhibition of the young painters opened in Marseille,France.Then three Shkodra painters were honored with awards.
/f.n/p.s./ — 2001-11-28

Some 46,5 million lek for construction of two new schools

SHKODER, Nov 27 (ATA)- By M. Malja Albanian government has allocated some 46,5 million lek for construction of two eight-year schools in the district of Shkoder. Director of education department in this district Agim Shima told ATA that the fund worth 23 million lek allocated by the government enabled the start of work for construction of a new eight-year school in village of Dragoc in commune of Mesi. While the rest worth 23,5 million lek will be utilised for construction of the new school in village of Mushan (Dajci commune). According to Shima, the operations in this facility will start shortly after the tender process. In the meantime Shkodra municipality has allocated 5 million lek out of its incomes for the needs of education. During the last four years, over 60% of schools in this district have been rehabilitated through funds of the state budget and foreign donors creating up-to-date conditions for the teaching process.
/s.s/sm/ — 2001-11-27

Shkoder: Export brings about 7.7 million dollars in 10 months time

Shkoder,Nov 27 (ATA) by M.Malja-In Shkoder district there have been realized products worth 7.7 million dollars destined for export. According to expert of the statistics office of the prefecture Mimoza Volumi,during the period january-october of the current year the products for export come to be 17% more,compared with the same period of the previous year.”Along with the increase of the quantity it has been worked even for the improvement of the quality of these products”,she said. It is thought that the main weight of the exports is taken by various clothes realized by 37 foreign and native firms with joint capital.The production of these firms is destined to be exported to Italy,Greece and Germany.During this period there have exported even various medical plants with a value of 97 million of leks. Sources close to the agricultural and food directory of the district made known that for the first time after a decade began the export of the agricultural products on the part of the native farmers towards Montenegro,Slovenia and Croatia. “Among the most wanted products in the markets of these countries have been the tomatoes,pepper,cucumber,water melon.
/s.sh/dori/p.s./ — 2001-11-27

Shkoder: Level of losses in electric network reduced by 7 percent

SHKODER, Nov 26 (ATA0 – By M.Malja: The losses in Shkoder electric-power network are reduced by about 7 percent over the January-November 15 period. According to the director of electric affiliate, Fran Franishta, the level of losses results to be in the amount of 37 percent from 37 percent it was at the beginning of the year. “As against the same period of year 2000, this index is reduced by 17 percent, directly affecting increase of KESH incomes.” Currently, attention is dedicated to collection of money from the unpaid bills, which amount to 98 billion lek. Sources from this affiliate’s finance office reported that the level of tax collection, at the city scale, has reached in 40 percent from 12 percent it was in August. They add that some 40 sues are deposited in the city’s district court for the debtors who have not paid bills since 1997.
/s.sh/dori/A.A/ — 2001-11-26

Some 37 projects are implemented this year in Shkoder

SHKODER, Nov. 25 (ata)- By M. Malja Some 37 projects are implemented this year in the prefecture of Shkodra, mainly for the improvement of infrastructure. According to the responsible of investments office in this prefecture Zef Fistani, worth 3.9 million dollars financed by the state budget and foreign donors are spent in the districts of Shkoder such as, Malesi e Madhe and Puke. “The funds accorded this year are nearly 1 million dollars more than those of a year ago”, he stated. Among the projects to be mentioned are the rehabilitation of the road Shkoder-Velipoje, some 30 km long, the reconstruction of the water-power station of the city of Shkodra, the construction of the water-power stations in Oblike, Bushat, Barbullush and Renxa Bushat. Attention is paid also to the improvement of the conditions in the health and education objects of the district. Some 20 health centers out of which, 6 in Malesi e Madhe and 4 in Puke, as well as 29 schools, half of which in the district of Shkoder are rehabilitated. Last year, in this prefecture were invested worth 2.9 million dollars, mainly for the road infrastructure, for the supply with electric power and potable water.
/s.sh./IR/ — 2001-11-25

Exhibition of Shkodra painters in Montenegro

SHKODER, Nov. 21 (ata)- By M. Malja A group of Shkodra painters opened on Tuesday evening in the city of Vir Pazar in Montenegro the exhibition with the theme, “Space that joints us”. In this exhibition the painters Agim and Zhaneta Kadillari, Sytki Brahimi, Andi Hila, Gjovalin Paci, Ismail and Arma Luani have presented some 40 paintings of different genders. The major part of these paintings had the Albanian epic-lyrical motive. The portrait, the landscape, the quiet nature are noticed in these paintings. The opening of this exhibition is realized in the framework of the agreement of the cultural co-operation between Shkodra and Ulqin. The artists from Shkodra have held a number of cultural and sportive activities during the current year in many cities of Montenegro. Whereas two Montenegrin exhibitions have opened also in the city of Shkodra while the Ensemble of Songs and Dances of Ulqin has given three shows for the art-lovers of Shkodra.
/f.n/IR/ — 2001-11-21

210 illegal electric links cut within two days

Shkoder, Nov 24 (ATA) by M. Malja – The electric police officers have cut 210 illegal electric links in some quarters of Shkodra town within two days. The head of this police station Gezim Lahi told to the ATA that the action was concentrated in the quarters “Daniel Matlia”,”Salo Halili” and “Guerile” where most of the restaurants get the electric energy through double electric links”.There were three groups of police experts and from the electric department who carried out the cut of these links. This disciplinary action has made that the abusers pay the arrears electric bills.”Within two days there have been cashed over 4.3 million leks on the part of the debtors,the manager of the financial office of the electric sector Makbule Rraboshta made known.She added that four working groups have been working for four months backed by the police for the collection of the money of the bills on the electric energy.As a result during the period august -15 November the amount of the money cashed has reached to the level of 40% from 12% it was in July.
/s.s./p.s./ — 2001-11-24

Police forces in the north will function according to a detailed plan – Minister Gjoni

TIRANA, Nov 22 (ATA) – By Inxhi Alickaj: Albanian Ministry of Public Order has prepared a detailed plan on functioning of police forces in Shkoder, Kukes and all northern area Regions, Minister Ilir Gjoni stated Thursday at a plenary session in response to the question of deputy Nard Ndoka. Mr. Gjoni accepted that the order and security situation in Shkoder has been problematic, but this plan envisages “a more efficient fight against incrimination of police elements in the organized crime structures.” Referring to the events in Tropoje, Mr. Gjoni said that “the criminal police there has carried out a good job, cooperating even with other law-implementing structures.” In continuation he explained that the investigating forces “are in track of the elements suspected of putting the explosive material in the dwelling of Azgan Haklaj”, and “I am optimistic that the authors of this crime will be found”, Minister Gjoni concluded.
/vik/nela/A.A/ — 2001-11-22

Incomes from local taxes overfulfilled

SHKODER, Nov 21 (ATA)- By M. Malja .- The tax and non-tax incomes over January -October in Shkoder municipality were overfulfilled by 10 million lek, sources from taxes-levies branch close to this Municipality made known. The chief of this office Ahmet Omi told ATA that ” some 4,7 million lek more than the annual obligation have been insured from local taxes over this period.” He says that “some other 3,6 million lek are forecast to be collected until the end of financial year.” Out of 13 indicators included in local taxes, only in the voice of construction permits some 7.8 million lek have been insured. While 6 million lek more than non-tax incomes were forecast have been deposited into the budget of municipality from the sale and rent of the land and so on. Through these incomes Shkodra municipality has invested implementation of 15 economic, social, sports and cultural projects, vice/ mayor Fatlum Nurja told. We will fund some 100 thousand lek for the cultural-sports activities to be organised by the end of this year.
/s.s./aid/sm/ — 2001-11-21

Florence Mayor awarded Shkodra’s “Citizen of Honor”

SHKODER, Nov 21 (ATA)- By M. Malja, The Mayor of Florence, Italy, Aldo Rangoni, on Wednesday was awarded “Citizen of Honor” of Shkodra. A ceremony was organized on this occasion in the venues of Shkodra municipality. The Mayor Ormir Rusi praised the assistance that the municipality of Florence has provided for the Shkoder town hall over the last years in public services, transports, education, health and other. “Frangoni has without doubt provided a considerable contribution in this aspect”, Rusi said. Latter on, the vice chairman of the Municipality Council Xhemal Shkjau awarded Aldo Frangoni “Citizen of Honor” for “the contribution provided in assisting Shkodra municipality in transports, public services, qualification of transports enterprise employees as well as for his commitment in strengthening cooperation between Shkodra and Florence”. Frangoni stated in his keynote address that “the honor you are doing me today, obliges me to further increase our cooperation, not only in transports and public services, but also in investments, where joint agreements have already been signed between the two municipalities”. Towns of Shkodra and Florence have established cooperation links since 1992. During this period Florence Town-Hall has provided equipment for schools, hospitals, cleaning enterprise, aqueduct, 30 busses and other. The Mayor of Florence, following this ceremony, met with local authorities to discuss increase of cooperation in other domains as well, such as tourism, town-planning and other.
/s.sh/dori/so/ — 2001-11-21

Exhibition of Shkodra painters in Montenegro

SHKODER, Nov. 21 (ata)- By M. Malja A group of Shkodra painters opened on Tuesday evening in the city of Vir Pazar in Montenegro the exhibition with the theme, “Space that joints us”. In this exhibition the painters Agim and Zhaneta Kadillari, Sytki Brahimi, Andi Hila, Gjovalin Paci, Ismail and Arma Luani have presented some 40 paintings of different genders. The major part of these paintings had the Albanian epic-lyrical motive. The portrait, the landscape, the quiet nature are noticed in these paintings. The opening of this exhibition is realized in the framework of the agreement of the cultural co-operation between Shkodra and Ulqin. The artists from Shkodra have held a number of cultural and sportive activities during the current year in many cities of Montenegro. Whereas two Montenegrin exhibitions have opened also in the city of Shkodra while the Ensemble of Songs and Dances of Ulqin has given three shows for the art-lovers of Shkodra.
/f.n/IR/ — 2001-11-21

“The days of Fishta” finished

Shkoder, Nov 17 (ATA) by M.Malja/ON saturday finished the “days of Fishta”organised under the auspices of the cultural association “Ilirikum”.During the last days of this activity held at”Pjeter Gaci”cultural center the actors of the “Migjeni” theatre displayed a musical and literary montage with parts of Fishta’s poetry. The head of the “Ilirikum” association Gjovalin Stefa told to the ATA that during the days of this activity dedicated to Father Gjergj Fishta were held a lot of activities such as the scientific session “Fishta and the Franciscans” during which there were speeches like “Fishta in defence of the Albanian lands”,”Fishta’s work under the appreciation of Ernest Koliqi”,”The patriotic activity of Fishta”/,lectures held by the lecturers of the “Luigj Gurakuqi”of Shkoder. At the same time during the days of this activity it was opened at “Marubi’s ” the photo exhibition “Fishta and his contemporaries” and the exhibition of the painter from Shkodra Pjerin Sheldija which contains 20 portraits of Fishta.The exhibition was thought to be cycle which confesses the most important moments of the activity of this intellectual and national figure. These activities were held on the occasion of the 130 anniversary of Fishta’s birth,who is one of the most outstanding figures of the Albanian literature and culture.Two months ago in the center of the town was placed Fishta’s bust,carved in stone, a work of the sculptor from Shkoder Pjerin Kolnikaj.
/s.s./p.s./ — 2001-11-17

Basketball – Vllaznia aims victory versus Tirana

SHKODER, Nov 17 (ATA)- By M.Malja, One of the most important basketball matches for this week will be the one to take place on Saturday, at the sports palace “Qazim Dervishi” in Shkodra between Vllaznia and Tirana (men). Vllazina ranks second currently and aims to win against Tirana. The coach of Vllaznia Beniamin Idrizi says that the match will be difficult because Tirana is a very strong team. Vllaznia has led the table for three weeks in this championship and lost the leadership in the sixth week when it lost versus Dinamo in Tirana.
/A.KE/so/ — 2001-11-17

Soccer: some 10 thousand soccer fans to attend Partizani-Vllaznia match

SHKODER, Nov 17 (ATA) By M.Malja: Some 10 thousand Shkoder soccer fans will be present today in the premises of national stadium “Qemal Stafa” of the capital, to attend the chief match of this week, that between the two best teams of Albania, Partizani and Vllaznia. The head of the Association of “Vllaznia” sports club, Astrit Rrahmani said that over 10 thousand Vllaznia fans will be in Tirana to watch the match. “We hope to be successful”, he said. According to him, Shkoder fans will stay in a separate stand.
/A.KE/aid/ — 2001-11-17

SPORT: Soccer-Brazilian footballer Karioka ready for saturday’s match

Tirana,Nov 14,-(ATA) -by E.Skarco- The main forward footballer of Partizani ,the brazilian Karioka,will play at saturday’s match against Vllaznia of Shkoder,after he has recovered from the wounds suffered last saturday in Vlora. The 26 years old Karioka will play side by side with the other brazilian footballer of Partizani ,Abilio,in saturday’s match at the national stadium” Qemal Stafa”,where Partizani that holds the second place in the classification table plays against Vllaznia which is the forth in the list with a difference of four points less. Partizani’s coach Shpetim Duro is optimistic that he will have in the field the two forwards Abilio-Karioka.”Karioka is an important player for us and his presence in the field means more guarantee.”
/A.KE/p.s./ – 2001-11-14

Cooperation in transports field deepened
Railway transport between two countries to start within the year

TIRANE, Nov 15 (ATA), by V. Shqalsi / Albania and Montenegro decided to extend bilateral cooperation in the field of transports. Albanian Minister of Transport Maqo Lakrori and Montenegrin Minister of Sea Affairs and Transport Jusuf Kalamperovic discussed on Thursday in Tirana issues of common interest in the field of transports. Ministers Lakrori and Kalamperovic discussed the current developments of transports in both countries as well as deepening of this cooperation either in bilateral framework or regional and European integration process. Albanian Minister of Transport Lakrori stated that either the railway station of Bajze or the railway transport between the two countries on the segment Bajze-Hani i Hotit-Podgorice will start functioning within year 2001. Also, he said that even the part Bajze-Shkoder should start functioning in 2002 hence the whole railway network of Albania will be linked with that of Montenegro and European railway network. During the meeting, the ministers expressed the will of their governments for concrete cooperation in four kinds of transports: the road, railway, sea and air ones. The meeting also dealt with the functioning of road Shkoder-Tivar and respective border infrastructure Murriqan and Sukobine. The governmental delegations agreed that 4 joint experts teams be created for drafting new agreements in the field of (road, railway, sea and air) transport conform to European standards hence it will influence on European integration of Albania and Montenegro.
/a.gj/sm/ — 2001-11-15

Construction of a joint highway between Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina planned

TIRANA, Nov 15 (ATA) – By Nini Mano: Montenegrin govt will be the coordinator of a joint initiative on construction of a new highway which will be extended in three states; Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia-Hercegovina. Albanian govt supported Thursday the initiative on creation of three-lateral commission which will deal with the construction of this highway. “The construction of this very important road axis, which will connect three European countries, has started in the part extended in the Albanian territory”, Albanian Minister of Transports Maqo Lakrori told ATA. Proceedings in the Lezhe-Shkoder road axis are begin carried out by state budget funds, he added. Meanwhile, Ministry of Transports has insures the funds needed for the feasibility study for construction of the northern Shkoder-Hani i Hotit axis. Lakrori informed that the projects on the road axis which link Shkoder and Tivar will be drafted in 2002. The construction of the highway takes a special importance because it will be a linking bridge with the European road axes, Lakrori noted. For this aim, according to him, the road axes which are not financed, are joint projects of the three countries in the Stability Pact.
/a.gj/A.A/ — 2001-11-15

Investment in Northern areas of Albania a priority of government
Prime Minister Ilir Meta declares in press conference

Tirana, October 13/ATA – R.Xhuvani/ – Investments in the northern and northeastern areas of Albania are top priority of the Albanian government, declared on Tuesday Prime Minister Ilir Meta during a press conference in Tirana. According to Mr. Meta the improvement of economic and social conditions in these areas “has been one of the top priorities of the governing policies.” The overcoming of economic, social, and infrastructural backwardness of this area was mentioned by Meta as a necessity not only to reduce poverty and create development prospects but also to “evidence differences that may have political repercussions.” Investments in these areas will remain at the focus of the government for the coming year, Meta added reminding that even during this year “unprecedented investments have been directed to these areas.” Among areas where investments have been present Meta mentioned Tropoja, Peshkopi, Bulqiza, Burrel, Shkoder, Malesi e Madhe, Lezhe, etc. The Premier said that in the year 2002 draft budget, considerable revenues have been set aside to implement investments in the road segment Lezhe-Shkoder, which was considered by Meta as “vital and very important” for the development, in general, and for that of the northwestern area in particular.
/era/kled/ — 2001-11-13

Checking competitions to University

TIRANA, Nov 13 (ATA) /Floresha Hamiti/-The ministry of education and science has started a detailed control on the results of the competitions in all the Universities of the country. The spokesman of the ministry of education, Ornela Bego, told to the ATA “at Luigj Gurakuqi University in Shkoder and in Fan Noli University in Korce there have been observed respectively 51 and 6 cases of certificates with false points of the competitors”. According to her, at the Agricultural University as well, there have been registrations in violation to the criteria published by the Ministry of Education. Having into consideration these cases, the minister of education and science Ben Blushi, has issued an order to say that the participant in the competition whose document comes out to be not in line with the regulations, must be expelled from the respective branch. Whereas the respective presidencies of the universities and the Department of the Universities must issue a denunciation at the respective organs. According to Bego, minister Blushi has charged the National Education Center of the Appreciations and tests to set up the group of Monitoring the Quality, for carrying out the control. The ministry of Education has asked all the Presidency offices and the Deaneries of the Universities to put at the disposal of such a center all the documents of the competitors, Bego said.
/f.n/p.s/ – 2001-11-13

Water flows in lake of Koman hydro-power station doubled

SHKODER, Nov. 13 (ATA)- By M. Malja The flows of water in the lake of Koman hydro-power station (Shkoder) are doubled mainly through the supply from Fierza hydro-power station as well as the rain falls of the last 24 hours. Sources from the command hall of this hydro-power station told that early on Tuesday, the flows of water in the lake have reached 200 meters per cub in a second out of 100 meters per cub in a second that this level was two days ago. The shift engineer in this hydro-power station Xhemal Nurja told ATA that, “during the last 24 hours the level of the lake of this hydro-power station is increased by 50 centimetres. The level of water has reached currently 171 meters out of 169.5 meters that this level was before. According to him, three turbines out of four in total work in this hydro-power station. The hydro-power station of Koman is the third constructed in the cascade of Drini river in 1985 after the hydro-power station of Vau i Dejes constructed in 1972 and that of Fierza in 1981.
/s.sh/dori/IR/ – 2001-11-13

Mother of two missing Czech Scouts meets leaders of police and local government

SHKODER, Nov 12 (ATA) By M.Malja: Helena Pavenka, mother of two of the three lost Scouts, met with local police and government leaders of Shkoder on Monday and demanded them to continue the research for finding them. During the meetings with Shkoder Prefect, Gjergj Liqejza and the highest officials of the Region Police, Pavenka thanked the local government structures for the attempts to find the three Czech scouts, who have been missing since October 29, of the current year. She demanded from the local authorities their support to continue searching out the three Czech scouts in the mountainous zones of Shkodra prefecture where they have exploited in the remote areas of Dukagjin, Theth and Vermosh. The prefecture of Liqejza and the local police directors told during the meeting that they are searching out, along with the community of these mountainous areas, the three Czech scouts considered lost. The three scouts Lenka Tukova and the brothers Jan and Michael Pavenka who have exploited the zones of Vermosh, Theth and Dukagjin have entered Albania through the border crossing point of Hani i Hotit (Dukagjin) in September 7 of the current year. They have been seen in the city of Shkodra until September 22 and later from the inhabitants of the remote areas. A week later, in September 29, close to the Directorate of Shkoder police have presented a group of friends of the Czech scouts who demanded help to find them after severing relations with their friends. Since that day, three groups of Shkoder police in co-operation with the community of the remote areas of this prefecture continue to search out the three Czech students who were scouts.
/rimi/IR/ – 2001-11-12

Lezhe-Balldren road ends by end of December

TIRANA, Nov 7 (ATA) By N.Mano: At the end of December, the works for mending Lezhe-Balldren road are expected to end, sources from the Ministry of Transports made known. The rehabilitation of Lezhe-Shkoder road (part of which is Lezhe-Balldren road axis) is being carried out through state budget funds worth 438 million lek.
/a.gj/elle/aid/ — 2001-11-07

New eight-year school in Dragoc village

VLORE, Nov 7 (ATA)- By Harilla Koci, Italian police on Wednesday repatriated to Vlore Port 50 Albanians found without document, among whom 6 women. Police sources told ATA that the illegal emigrants were repatriated through Brindisi – Vlore ferry line. They were a contingent of illegal trafficking who had been seized on Puglia shores and Brindisi train station three days ago. Police sources reported that the emigrants repatriated, mainly coming from districts of Berat, Fier, Lezhe and Shkoder, had paid different amounts of money to smugglers. After undergoing the verification procedures in Vlore Police they were set free. Two days ago, Italian police repatriated 93 Albanians found without documents, while during this month the police have repatriated 300 people through the Port of Vlora. Local police forces are intensifying operations to curb illegal emigrants trafficking. Last week, the police sequestrated 4 speedboats and arrested the owner of a company which produced illegally spare parts for speedboats.
/rimi/so/ — 2001-11-07

New eight-year school in Dragoc village

SHKODER, Nov 8 (ATA) By M.Malja: The construction of the new eight-year school started in Dragoc village, 5 kilometres away from Shkoder city. The head of the educational directorate of this district, Agim Shima, told ATA that the construction of the new eight-year school of Dragoc village will be enabled through the 22, 5 million lek fund allocated by the state budget. During the last four years in Shkoder city, through Albanian government funds and foreign donators, some 72 schools have been rehabilitated out of a total of 104 schools in the whole district.
/s.s/elle/aid/ — 2001-11-08

Volume of constructions in Shkoder increased by 36%

SHKODER, Nov 9 (ATA) By M.Malja: The construction volume in Shkoder district in January -October period has been increased by 36%, as compared to the same period last year. The specialist of the Statistic’s Office Fatos Kopliku, told ATA that “this volume has been met by around 130 construction companies, major part of which has been engaged in construction of private houses, business centres and so on. During January-October period of the current year, there were completed the works for the construction of two new schools, rehabilitation of children’s’ hospital, reconstruction of 7 main roads of this city and so on. Some 23 companies of the production of the construction materials run their activity in this district, which have increased the production in the amount of 29%, by meeting the increasing demands of the constructors.
/s.s/aid/IR/ — 2001-11-09

FAO to fund development of agriculture and agricultural industry

TIRANE, Nov 9 (ATA)- By E. Xhajanka. – The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) will intervene through concrete projects for development of agriculture and agricultural industry in Albania, told on Friday minister of Agriculture and Food Agron Duka who took part in the 31-st session of FAO held in Rome. Minister Duka said that the meeting with FAO President Jacque Dju dealt with continuation of the FAO projects in our country and concretely the postponement of the project for forest protection worth US$ 500 thousand until 2004. In the meantime FAO was committed to use the funds worth US$ 4 million remained from the previous projects for development of integrated agriculture in the rural areas as well as resumption of a new project worth US$ 500 thousand to assist the Maize Institute in Shkoder. The session of Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) convenes once a two-year period in the headquarters of this organization in Rome and Albania participates in it frequently as a FAO member.
/a.gj/sm/ — 2001-11-09

Italy will support Albania’s integration into European structures, Bova

SHKODER, Nov 6 (ATA)- By M.Malja,/ Italy will continue to support Albanian government towards European integration, Italian Ambassador to Albania Mario Bova stated at a meeting held in the venues of “Luigj Gurakuqi” University in Shkodra on Tuesday. Bova pledged that cooperation between Albania and Italy will increase in all domains, at the meeting with students and professors of the university. Bova stated that a cultural agreement has been recently signed between the two countries, based on which 20 projects will be implemented in Albania in culture. He stressed that Italy is playing an important role as regards education of Albanian youths in Italy. Ambassador Bova stated that the aid provided by the Italian government includes several projects recently drafted such as the construction of two bridges on the road segment in Ura e Matit Shkoder, the project for rehabilitation of Kukes road and the rehabilitation of the energetics system worth $ 50 million where Shkodra Region is included as well.
era/elle/so/ – 2001-11-06

International railway station of Bajza to begin operation in two months

SHKODER, Nov 3 (ATA)-By O. Kadaifciu / The International railway station of Bajza, which links Albania with Montenegro, will begin operation in two months, Premier Ilir Meta said during an inspection visit to this station. “We have a short and mid-term programme to reestablish all international connections of Albania,” said Meta. He said that the Bajza station, 150 km from Tirane will become active by December 25. Apart from connections with countries outside the border, the premier said that “in a short time Bajza will be connected with Shkoder and the rest of the country through a contemporary infrastructure”.
/era/lm/ – 2001-11-03

Shkodra will be in the center of Government’s attention – PM Meta

SHKODRA, Nov. 3 (ata) – By Myfit Malja / “Shkodra will be in the center of the attention of the government in the present ruling mandate,” stated on Saturday the Premier Ilir Meta in a meeting in the Prefecture of Shkodra. According to him, another border point, that of Murriqan, will open the coming year and for this he demanded the construction of the necessary infrastructure. The opening of this crossing point was decided in the meeting he had last year in Shkodra with the Premier of Montenegro, Bujanovic. The PM mentioned the delivery within the time limits of the investments for this district such as that for the construction of the road segment Lezhe-Shkoder, the rehabilitation of the road of Velipoja. Work is also going on for the improvement of the electric energy network of the city of Shkodra. PM Meta said that about three weeks ago the Albanian Government adopted a fund of 56 million lek for investments in the infrastructure of the city of Shkodra. At the end of the meeting, PM Meta demanded a greater commitment of the police for the complete stabilization of the public order which has had problems in the recent period.
/dori/xh/ – 2001-11-03

DP chairman Berisha meets representatives of Montenegro Albanians

TIRANA, Nov 3 (ata) By R.Xhuvani: Representatives of Albania of Montenegro expressed during a meeting on Saturday with the chairman of Democratic Party, Sali Berisha the will for co-operation with Albanian political forces, for the benefit of the inner stability of the both countries. The Montenegrin Minister for Minorities, Gezim Hajdinaga and head of the Club of the Deputies of Montenegro, Ferhat Dinosha, shared the same opinion that “the rights of the Albanians that live in this country should be greater and should be sanctioned, without destroying the economic and political stability”, sources close to DP informed. According to them, the quiet situation should prevail even during spring, the time when the referendum for Montenegro’s independence is scheduled to be held. In addition, the interlocutors confirmed that the relations between the Albania Albanians and those of Montenegro should be consolidated even through concrete steps, for the realisation of which the political forces should influence positively. Thus we can mention the validation of diplomas, the opening of two customs crossing points, establishing communication lines between Shkoder and Ulqin and so on.
/era/aid/ – 2001-11-03

Albanian PM visits Shkoder Region

SHKODER, Nov 3 (ATA)- By O. Kadaifciu / Albanian Premier Ilir Meta on Saturday monitored the road segment connecting Fushe Kruje- Lezhe Highway. Meta supervised the operations on the bridge built over Mat river, which links the town of Fushe Kruja with Milot. He also monitored the works on the new road in Balldre, Lezhe, which links Lezhe district with Shkodra. The Premier monitored works on the new road Shkoder-Velipoje as well. Meta regarded these works as very important stressing that “let’s hope they will be soon concluded”. On Saturday, Prime Minister Ilir Meta visited also the customs office of Hani i Hotit where he inaugurated the rehabilitated facility of the customs office and stopped later in the Bajze Railway station to monitor works underway there. On Saturday afternoon PM Meta is expected to attend a meeting of the SP Shkodra branch.
/era/elle/so/ – 2001-11-03

Thirty-two companies of clothes production operate in Shkodra

SHKODER, Nov 3 (ATA)- By M.Malja / About 32 local and foreign companies operate in the industry of clothes production in Shkodra. The specialist of the Office of Statistics in this Prefecture, Albana Spahia, told ATA that “during January-October period the clothes’ production has increased by 21%, as against the same period last year”. The production of these companies is mainly exported. About 3100 women and girls of Shkodra have been employed in this industry, of whom 320 have been hired this year. According to the sources from Shkoder prefecture, other six companies of clothes production will start operation in this district, three of them owned by Italian businessmen. Spahia adds that “the value of these investments is estimated at $ 1,3 million and the number of employees to be hired is envisaged to amount to 400 people.
/s.sh/dori/elle/so/ – 2001-11-03

Plant eliminated in Shkreli commune was “cannabis” – ministry

TIRANE, Nov 3 (ATA)-By A. Harka / The Ministry of Public Order insisted on Saturday that the operation to eliminate the plant sown in the Shkreli commune, Malesi e Madhe, during July this year was legal. Bilbil Mema, Director General of the State Police, told ATA on Saturday that, based on the experiments carried out, the cultivated plant in this zone was of the kind of “cannabis sativa”, which, based on the law “on narcotic medicines and psychotropic substances” is included in the drugs tables. Mema also said that the elimination of this plant by police has been considered legal by the Shkoder district Prosecutor’s Office and Court. Two days ago, Mr Tailor, Director of the British Foundation “On partnership and development”, said that the plant cultivated in the Shkreli zone was “industrial hemp” and “not cannabis”. Asking compensation from the Ministry of Public Order, Tailor said that the cultivated plant would be used later for the production of industrial substances and that he had a six-year contract with the farmers of the Shkreli commune.
/rimi/lm/ – 2001-11-03

Shkoder: Seven projects, realised in road infrastructure

SHKODER, Nov 2 (ATA)- By M. Malja / Seven projects for improvement of the road infrastructure in Shkoder city, implementation of which started this year, have completed, Vice Mayor Fatlum Nurja announced to ATA. He told that “the fund worth US$ 1,7 million allocated by foreign donors, state budget and ADF enabled the complete rehabilitation of the main roads “Migjeni”, “Halit Bajraktari”, “Ndre Mjeda”, “Pashko Vasa”, “Besnik Bishanaku” “Alqi Kondi” and “Naim Gjylbeku””. According to same sources, reconstruction of the road “Isa Boletini”, 1,2 km long, has recently started through 23,7 million lek out of the state budget. The operations are being carried out by the firm “Vllazerimi” the tender’s winner which aims to complete them within this year. Through the projects realised in the last two years in Shkoder city, nearly 40% of the main roads have been rehabilitated.
/s.sh./sm/ – 2001-11-02

Low water flows in lake of Vau i Dejes hydro power station

SHKODER, Nov 2 (ATA) – By M. Malja / The water flows in the lake of Vau i Dejes hydro power station (Shkoder) are amid the lowest over the last years as a result of a prolonged draught and high temperatures. The engineer of command hall Silva Guga told that “on Friday morning the flows in the lake of hydro power station are 80 cubic meters a second in comparison to 320 cubic meters a second the flows in this lake have been for many years”. According to her, as a result of the drastic fall of flows the water level in this lake has reached 74 meters above the sea level as compared to 76 meters its maximal quota is. Sources from prefecture announce that construction of Bushati hydro power station will start by the middle of November through a credit worth US$ 140 million allocated by the Chinese government. This new work with a power of 350 million kilowatt/ hour a year is envisaged to be completed within three years.
/s.sh/sm/ – 2001-11-02

Govt. approves decision “On ceiling prices of electric power sale for family and non family consumers”

TIRANE, Nov 2 (ATA)- The Albanian Government on Friday approved the decision “on ceiling prices of electric power sale for family and non family consumers”. Participants at the meeting agreed to adopt the draft introduced by the Albanian Power Generation and Distribution Firm for a double tariff increase of electricity prices versus other proposals for liberalisation of the electric power price. This system does not affect mass consumers who normally consume 300 kilowatt/ hour of electricity per month. The price on normal consumption of electric power worth 300 kilowatt/hour will remain the same. The price of electricity consumed over 300 kilowatt/hour will be 8 lek. Special establishments, such as bakeries, pumping stations and religious subjects will pay 6 lek for Kilowatt/hour. This decision will mainly affect consumers in towns where power consumtion is higher but where there is possibility of using liquid gas. This tariff system will stimulate family consumers to rationally use electric power and will create appropriate financial and economic conditions to attract foreign investments to build new sources to encourage domestic electric power production. This decision also aims to reduce and eliminate state subsidies for the import of electric power. This decision will be implemented by Electricity Regulation Enterprise, Power Generation and Distribution Firm, “Elektriku Elbasan”, “Elektriku Vlore” and “SESA Shkoder”.
— /Ani/dori/so/lm/ – 2001-11-02

Luçie Miloti awarded “Great Master of Labour”

TIRANE, Nov 2 (ATA) – By Kristi Pinderi/
The renowned singer of folk music Lucie Miloti was awarded the title “Great Master of Labour” in a ceremony hosted by the Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Tirana on Friday. Attending the ceremony were senior authorities of Albanian music and President of the Republic Rexhep Meidani who also awarded the prize to the popular singer of the Albanian music.
The Theatre of Opera and Ballet, in cooperation with the State Ensemble staged a mini-concert with artists of the Ensemble of Folk Songs and Dances as well as a mini exhibition with photos of Luçie Miloti. Luçie Miloti is awarded the “Great Master of Labour” following the title Merited Artist.
— /era/elle/so/ – 2001-11-02

N E W S – December 2001

Some 187 illegal electric connections cut in Shkoder

SHKODER, Dec 26 (ata) – By M Malja: The Energy Distribution Corporation of Albania (KESH) affiliate in Shkoder cut in the last two days some 187 illegal energy connections in this city. The director of energy police told ATA that the operation focused in 120 private bars and 68 families whose electricity was cut because they were illegally made. During this year, 3878 illegal electric connections or 1000 more than a year ago, mostly private subjects, have been immediately cut. Sources of the electric affiliate said that now on district scale 42 percent of the consumers from 20 percent a month ago, pay for the electric energy they use. Presently, five groups with representatives of the electric affiliate and electric police are working in four regions of the city to accelerate the process for the payment of the debt that private consumers and family consumers have to the electric affiliate.
/s.sh/dori/xh/ — 2001-12-26

Weightlifter Sylkja again in Vllaznia team

SHKODER, Dec 26 (ATA) By M. Malja: The issue of the talented Shkoder weightlifter, Renato Sylkja, will be solved in a few days between the two clubs, Vllaznia and Dinamo. “We, as a club, as we were not able to meet some requests, mainly financial ones, we had let our weightlifter Renato Sylkja free and everything depended on him to go to whatever club he wanted to”, Vllaznia coach, Muhamet Tuzi says. Immediately, Dinamo club attempted to take Sulkja in its team. According to Tuzi, everything between the two clubs was done in a normal way, but meanwhile, there was continuous interest to keep the 22-year old in Vllaznia team. Finally, in a short time, the economic requests that the champion of Albania had made, were totally satisfied. After that, Syjkja was again Vllaznia’s property. The wightlifter stated that “now all the conditions have been met, so that the only thing left is my maximal commitment in training to achieve the results I aim at”. Vllaznia weightlifting team has been proclaimed champion of Albania the current year. New weightlifters have been included in the team, who aim at bringing this sport at the level it was years ago.
/A.KE/aid/ — 2001-12-26

Movement of people at Hani i Hotit border crossing five times higher in Koplik

KOPLIK, Dec 25 (ATA)-By M. Malja, At the Hani i Hotit border crossing point, Malesi e Madhe, the movement of people crossing Albania to Montenegro or vice-versa has doubled. According to police commander of this crossing, Nazmi Hasa, some 1200-1500 people cross to the neighbouring country, out of 300 crossing earlier. “Most of them are small traders selling confections, electric appliances and other items on the markets of Tuzi and Podgorice and brought from them fruits, alcoholic drinks, food and other items,” said Hasa. Sources from the Hani i Hotit customs report that this year’s end there has been an increase of goods’ quantity imported from Montenegro, Slovenia and Croatia, which enter Albania through this border crossing. The border crossing point of Hani i Hotit opened in February last year, following an agreement signed in Shkoder between the Albanian and Montenegrin governments. It was kept closed unilaterally by the Yugoslav side since March ’97.
/s.sh/dori/lm/ — 2001-12-27

“Miss Albania 2000” in European beauty competition

TIRANA, Dec 28 (ATA) By A.Bekteshi: Gentiana Ramadani, “Miss Albania 2000” will represent Albania in the big “Miss Europe 2001” show to be held tomorrow (December 29) in Beirut of Lebanon. “Miss Europe” show, which has been organized for 52 years, has been described as the oldest beauty contest in the world. Its realization is enabled by Mondial Event Organization (M.B.O) and will be broadcast by 45 TV channels in the World Vision and Mondo Vizion. Participating in “Miss Europe” show are official Misses of all the states of Europe.”Miss Albania 2000″, Gentiana Ramadani participates in this show thanks to the co-operation of Jon Music with Mondial Event Organization. Gentiana Ramadani, who won “Miss Albania 2000” prize, among 31 girls who competed from different regions of Albania, comes from Shkoder. She is 1.77 tall, blonde and studies in the Journalism Faculty in Tirana. Ramadani has been described as “successful in some TV shows where she has participated lately.
/f.n/aid/ — 2001-12-28

Sport: Ten best Shkodra sportsmen proclaimed

Shkoder, December 28, ATA) by M.Malja- The townhall of Shkoder in collaboration with Sport Club Vllaznia and TV Rozafa held the survey-show of choosing the best sportsmen of the town. The best artists of the town attended the activity and greeted it with their songs and humour. The jury proclaimed as the best 10 sportsmen: Vioresin Sinani (Soccer) Klodian Duro (soccer) Genc Barkici (weightlifting) Renato Sylkja (weightlifting) Besnik Limani (Box) Sokol Buliqi (box) Seat Bushati (Box) Artur Govoci (Box) Ardian Zhuri (athletics) Rovena Marku (Swimming) Some distinguished sportmen in years were honoured with the award “Palok Nika”, given by the Townhall council. Among them was Bimo Fakja , the ex footballer (after death). While the best three coaches of the year were selected Zef Gjoni (box), Esat Rakiqi (soccer) and Muhamet Tuzi (weightlifting). The survey on the best 10 sportsmen of the year has been held in this district since 30 years. The private firms and the townhall distributed symbolic presents to the best sportsmen.
/A.KE/p.s./ — 2001-12-28

Prime minister Ilir Meta: Shkodra town will keep on being in governmental projects
PM meets representatives of Local Authority

Shkoder, December 28 (ATA) by Myfit Malja – Friday midday PM Ilir Meta said that Shkodra town will continuo to be in governmental projects. Meta made the statement during a meeting with Local Authority representatives of the town. Meta said that the investments will be double this year. He made mention of the superhighway Shkoder-Lezhe and the second stage of the road Shkoder-Velipoje. According to him it will also start the rehabilitation of the road Shkoder-Murriqan, which will pave the way to the opening of the border crossing point of Murriqan. Meta promised investments in the infrstructure of Shkoder town to bring it in line with the contemporary standards. The mayor of Shkoder Ormir Rusi underlined that the investments promised by the government during this year are proceeding in the right way. He presented also several requests like the improvement of the supply with electric energy of the town, the improvement of the public order, the reconstruction of the Buna bridge, the beginning of the movement of the ferries from Shkodra towards Montenegro. The Transport ministry took over the task of meeting these demands.
/ira/vik/p.s./ — 2001-12-28

Some US$ 9,1 million realised from export in 11 months

SHKODER, Dec 29 (ATA)- By M. Malja The various firms and enterprises in the district of Shkoder over the period January-November this year have increased their production by 11,4% in comparison to the same period last year. According to experts of statistics office in Prefecture, Fatos Kopliku, over this period nearly US$ 9,1 million of incomes or US$ 2,7 million more than the same period last year have been realised from the export. The main place in the goods export is taken by the various articles of clothing produced by 37 local and foreign firms operating in this city. For the first time after ten years the export of agricultural products has started this year towards Montenegro, Croatia and Slovenia such as tomatoes, peppers, melons and so on.
/s.s/dori/sm/ — 2001-12-29

Exhibition of Shkodra painters

SHKODER, Dec 29 (ATA)- An exhibition of paintings was opened on Saturday in the Private Gallery “Art Shkodra” with the best works of the renown painters of Shkodra such as Ismail Lulani, Agim Kadillari, Zhaneta Kadillari, Andi Hila, Gjovalin Paci, Gjovalin Lucaj. The painter Skender Kraja told that “the topics of this exhibition’s works were the still-life, landscapes and portraits.” Among the works that drew attention were the landscapes from Vermoshi, the painting “The woman highlander of Shkodra”, “The lake of Shkodra” and so on. This was the tenth exhibition the painters from Shkodra have opened during this year. In the meantime six painters from Shkodra have opened two exhibitions in Montenegro and Ulqin as well as in Vienna (Austria).
/f.n/sm/ — 2001-12-29

Road axes linking Shkoder with northern areas opened

SHKODER, Dec 19 (ATA) By M. Malja: All the road axes linking Shkoder with the northern areas of Albania have been reopened for the movement of vehicles early on Wednesday. Sources from Shkoder Prefecture, told ATA that “the movement of vehicles in Shkoder-Koman, Shkoder-Puke, Puke-Fushe-Arrez, Puke-Mirdite and Fushe Arrez-Kukes axes has already began”. The representative of the prefecture in Puke district, Fadil Coba, stressed that “the only segments in which works are under way is that of Qafe Mali-Tropoja”. Workers of the road maintenance enterprise of Shkoder and Puke city, carried out the works to open these segments, using 5 snowploughs, 4 heavy transport means and so on. The only concern for the inhabitants of Puka city remains the repair of the main water pipe of the aqueduct damaged two days ago due to the land slide. Sources from the water supply enterprise of this city stated that the improvement of the atmospheric conditions during the last days will enable the repair of the water supply pipe in a short time. According to sources from Puka police, the forces of the sector of the road traffic are placed at alert not to allow any vehicle move without chains.
/dori/IR/aid/ — 2001-12-19

Italy invests 82 billion lira on energetic system

Tirana, December 20, (ATA) – The Italian government has approved an 82 billion lira investment on the energetic sector in Albania. The Italian ambassador to Tirana Mario Bova said during a press conference Thursday “that the Italian government considers the energy sector as an absolute priority of its intervention in the framework of co-operation in Albania, in view of the grave crisis the country is passing through”. “To this aim the Italian government has allocated a fund of 52 billion lira some times ago. The decision of 5 December 2001 adds to this sum the amount of 82 billion lira and that in the framework of co-operation plan 1998-2001”, ambassador Bova said. In regard to the financial backing of 82 billion liras, it is aimed to be used on the main areas, including the building of the new seat of the Electroenergetic corporation of Albania and the restructuring of 8 periphery buildings. The fund will cover also the building of a modern and transparent system of the bills and absorb of the incomes. The project also aims the strengthening of the maintenance system, through the supply with vehicles and equipments, as well as the supply and the rehabilitation of the system of transmission and distribution. In this framework there will be rehabilitated the distribution networks of Durres and Pogradec and there will be strengthened the substations Tirana 2,Tirana Center,Kashar and Pogradec. According to the Italian ambassador Mario Bova the Italian government has supported the Albanian energetic system, through the measures of a structural character, but also through the emergency aids to overcome the various energetic crisis, the last of which was that of winter 2000-2001. The aid consisted in the payment of the rent of movable substations of Tirana,Shkoder and Durres. In September 2000 it was also given another financial backing of 3.8 billion liras on an activity in support of the management of the Albanian Electric Corporation on the part of ENEL. As a result of the improvements in the management of Albanian Electric Corporation, thanks to this intervention it was reached the unblock of the finances in the energetic sector on the part of the international donators.
/toni/a.gj/p.s./ — 2001-12-20

Rehabilitation of Koman-Palaj road ends

SHKODER, Dec 20 (ATA) By M.Malja: The complete rehabilitation of Koman-Palaj road, 3,5 kilometers long ended. The chief of investments’ office in Shkoder Prefecture, Zef Fistani, told ATA that, through the 11 million lek fund allocated by the Albanian Development Fund (FZHSH), the rehabilitation of the road linking Palaj village with the national road which links Shkoder with Koman, ended last days. The works in this object were carried out by the local construction company “Pjetri”, which according to the project, widened the current axis and laid it with gravel, built three works of art, and so on. During the current year in Shkoder city, through the 40,3 million lek fund allocated by the Albanian government, 12 rural roads in some communes of Shkoder district were rehabilitated. meanwhile, through financing of various non-governmental organizations which operate in this district, other 6 roads have been rehabilitated in this district, in Bushat, Mes and Rrethina communes.
/s.s/aid/ — 2001-12-20

Soccer: Fresh forces expected in ranks of Vllaznia team

SHKODER, Dec 22 (ATA) – By M.Malja: Some other football players are expected to join the team of Vllaznia during the second phase of national championship. Sources from “Vllaznia” sports-club report that after nomination of Astrit Hafizi as head of the Shkodra team, the football players Gjeloshi, Oltion Asllani and Albert Duro are expected to join the team. The Montenegrin player Asim Gjokovic, who left the team at the end of the previous season, is expected to return as well.
/s.s/A.KE/A.A/ — 2001-12-22

Supplementary funds for new aqueduct in Velipoja

SHKODER, Dec 23 (ATA)- By M.Malja, The state budget has recently allocated a supplementary fund worth 20 million lek to end operations in the new aqueduct of Velipoja commune, 30 kilometers far from Shkodra. The Manager of the Investments Office in this Prefecture, Zef Fistani, states that this fund will be invested to supply with potable water the villages of Mali Kolaj, Mali Gjymit and Luar, that were not included in the initial project. Works to built this aqueduct commenced nearly 8 months ago, through a fund worth 38,8 million lek provided by the state budget. Works, financed by the supplementary fund are envisaged to end in March, 2002. Seven new aqueducts have been built in Shkodra during 2001, six of which through the credit of the Austrian government worth 13 million schillings.
/s.sh/so/ — 2001-12-23

Army starts operation for distribution of humanitarian aids in northeastern zones

TIRANE, Dec 23 (ATA)- By I. Alicka The Army’s operation for sending food articles and medicines in the areas blocked as a result of the bad weather started on Sunday in the northeast of the country, the Press Department close to Defense Ministry announced to ATA. The operation for distribution of aids is being carried out in the air by the Regiment of Helicopters in cooperation with command of Logistic Support which are carrying aids to the area of Tropoja and Kukes. By ground ways the distribution of aids started with the departure of a motor convoy which comprises vehicles of the Logistic Support Command and Albanian Red Cross. This motor convoy will follow the road Tirana-Qafa e Malit-Kukes. The ceremony for the start of distribution of aids by air ways was held today (on Sunday )in the helicopters regiment. Present in it were deputy/ Chief of the General Staff of Armed Forces Brigadier Arian Zaimi and deputy/ minister of Local Government Halil Lalaj as well as representatives of Albanian Red Cross. The Brigadier Arian Zaimi told the media that “the vehicles of the Command of Logistic Support of the Transportation Brigade and helicopters of Farka regiment are on high alert so that the goods insured by Albanian Red Cross be transported in time to the proper destination. In the meantime, according to the recent data arrived in the United Operational Center of the Emergency Management in Defense Ministry, all national roads are passable and open and the work for opening the secondary roads is under way. According to the Press Department in Defense Ministry, military police is patrolling the directions Shkoder-Qafa e Malit-Kukes and Ulez-Burrel-Peshkopi to get under control the axes in northeastern areas.
/ira/sm/ — 2001-12-23

Shkoder: State budget finances 44,9 million lek for two new schools

SHKODER, Dec 24 (ATA)- By M. Malja The fund worth 44,9 million lek out of the state budget has enabled the start of construction of two eight-year schools in district of Shkoder. The district’s education director Agim Shima told ATA that “the new schools are being built in villages Boks and Daragjat of communes of Mes and Dajc.” According to him, the buildings will be two-storied with 10 classrooms each as well as all the premises needed for the teaching process. The respective projects are being implemented by local construction firms “Curri” and “Pjetri” which aim to complete these facilities within the first six-month period next year. Over this year two new eight-year schools were built in villages of Rragam and Koman with 41,4 million lek out of the state budget.
/s.sh/dori/sm/ — 2001-12-24

Chinese govt allocates grant to KESH

TIRANA, Dec 24 (ATA) – An agreement on delivery of a five-million-Jen-worth grant, that China’s government offers to the Albanian Power Generation and Distribution Company (KESH), was signed last week in Pekin, in the third session of joint Albania/Chinese commission, Sokol Gjoka, spokesman of Foreign Ministry, reported on Monday to ATA. Albania’s delegation, attending this session, was composed of some representatives of several government institutions. One of the problems treated in the proceedings of this session was realization of a cooperation protocol for 2001-2002 period, mainly in field of reciprocal interest such as that of transport, trade, customs and others. In the meeting was discussed as well on the progress of proceedings of Bushat hydro power station, in Shkoder. The agreement of conversion of Albania’s foreign debt to People’s Republic of China with a long-time liquidity credit, on bases on Paris Club terms, was as well reached, Gjoka added.
/le.ko/ira/A.A/ — 2001-12-24

Operation on delivery of aid to snow-covered areas underway

TIRANA, Dec 24 (ATA) – By Inxhi Alickaj: The heavy snow falls of last twenty-four hours have blocked again the roads in the northeastern areas of Albania, information department close to the Ministry of Defence reports. According to the data issued by this directory Qafa e Malit – Kukes, Qafa e Malit – Fierze, Shkoder- Vau i Dejes, Puke – Fushe Arrez, and Bulqize – Burrel road segments are cleared by the huge-amount piles of snow. Under these conditions, the engineering brigade is actually working for opening the roads in two directions: Fushe Arrez – Puke and Vau i Dejes – Puke. Forces of civil defence are working for unblocking Peshkopi- Burrel road segment. Meanwhile, the operation on delivery of humanitarian aid to the remote zones is continuing. The convoy of vehicles, which left a day ago for Kukes, have reached the destination, and the local government structures are undertaking all the measures for delivering all goods. Operation on transport of 30 tons of goods form army reserves towards Tropoja, and transport of 100 tons of wheat from the state reserves towards the northeastern zones is actually being prepared. Albanian Red Cross has offered 25 tons of tinned food items, which will start being transported on Tuesday in snow-covered zones.
/ira/vik/A.A/ — 2001-12-24

Chairman of Albania’s Bishopric Conference sends greetings address on Christmas occasion

SHKODER, Dec 24 (ATA)- By M.Malja, Chairman of Albania’s Bishopric Conference, Eminence Angelo Massafra has sent a greetings address to all catholic believers on Christmas occasion. “We have approached the first Christmas of the third millennium and I would like to wish Merry Christmas to all families that are jobless and depend on social assistance only, families that live home-bound just because of blood-feud, mothers who suffer for their children in emigration”, the address stresses. “This celebration gives us the gift of peace, of the peace that the world can not find, the peace of heart, the peace among families. It gives us the security for a more serene life for all, for the children”, Massafra emphasises in his address. “Christmas is our celebration, is the feast where we hope for a better feast, because we take hope in the word hope, in the word of God”, the address of the Chairman of Albania’s Bishopric Conference, Eminence Angelo Massafra states in conclusion.
/f.n/so/ — 2001-12-24

Soccer: Fresh forces expected in ranks of Vllaznia team

SHKODER, Dec 22 (ATA) – By M.Malja: Some other football players are expected to join the team of Vllaznia during the second phase of national championship. Sources from “Vllaznia” sports-club report that after nomination of Astrit Hafizi as head of the Shkodra team, the football players Gjeloshi, Oltion Asllani and Albert Duro are expected to join the team. The Montenegrin player Asim Gjokovic, who left the team at the end of the previous season, is expected to return as well.
/s.s/A.KE/A.A/ — 2001-12-22

Corpses of four fishermen, drowned in waters of Shkoder Lake, found

SHKODER, Dec 22 (ATA) – The dead corpses of four fishermen, drowned in the very early hours of Saturday in the waters of Shkoder Lake, were found later in the day, following some intensive hours of joint search of police forces and inhabitants of nearby areas. “In vicinity of Shtoj village, about 12 kilometers away from the city of Koplik, were found the dead bodies of citizens Ali Hamza, Skender Sadiku, Xhevit Haxhia, (police in Shkoder commissariat) and Alket Sadiku”, official sources from the local police told ATA. According to them the victims were fishing in the Shkoder Lake, about 1,5 kilometers far from the shore, but their boat has gone up-sided-down due to turmoiled sea, causing their death. This is the second time within a few months when citizens are drawn in the Shkoder Lake while fishing.
/s.srimi./A.A/ — 2001-12-22

There will be no untimely elections
The boycott of vote of confidence session – SP head declares in Shkoder

SHKODER, Dec. 21 (ATA) – By M.Malja: Albanian Socialist Party, SP, head Fatos Nano stated on Friday in Shkoder, at this city party branch meeting, that non-performance of necessary changes in the government by Premier Ilir Meta, will lead to the boycott of the parliament session for vote of confidence of new ministers. “We will again boycott on Monday’s parliament session if Ilir Meta does not make the necessary changes”, Nano said, speaking on behalf of the lawmakers who abandoned Thursday’s parliament session. SP chairman asked the Premier to commit himself in solution of crisis, “in the contrary, he will be responsible for it.” Along this stance, which seems to be far from compromise, SP head guaranteed that there will be no early elections, and that the solution to the crisis will be found in less extreme ways. He announced convention of a referendum in January, and holding of the SP extraordinary congress in March of coming year. “On bases of the status, the referendum can be held after collection of 1/3 of signs of party’s members, and an extraordinary congress of the party will be held in March not in Tirana, but in Shkoder or in Vlore, where the party will be cleaned, and SP will become a real democratic party”, Nano said. SP head asked President Meidani to get distanced from the declarations of Parliament Speaker Namik Dokle on dissolution of Parliament, and to start investigations for “the huge amount abuses made in the country’s finances, especially in the Ministry of Finances”, as he said. In the SP meeting of Shkoder, where the Opposition has a strong electorate, Fatos Nano appealed for its (Opposition) co-operation in the fight against contraband, different traffics, and in efforts to construct the rule of law.”
/ira/vik/A.A/ — 2001-12-21

Activist’s meeting of Socialist Party begins

SHKODER, Dec 21 (ATA) By M.Malja: The activists’ meeting of the Socialist Party of Shkoder district began on Friday before noon in Shkoder city. Attending the meeting is the SP’s head, Fatos Nano, who has been recieved by members and supporters of SP in Bushat village, and the SP Organisative Secretary, Petro Koci. Currently, the SP head for Shkoder branch, Ndreke Ruka is discussing in the activist’ meeting, after whom the head of the Socialist Party, Fatos Nano is expected to take the floor.
/dori/aid/ — 2001-12-21

Nano: Referendum in January
Extraordinary congress in March in Shkoder or Vlore – SP chairman states in the meeting of the activists in Shkoder

SHKODER, Dec. 21 (ata)- By M. Malja SP chairman, Fatos Nano, declared in Shkoder in the meeting of the activists of SP, that a referendum will be held in January whereas in March will be held the extraordinary congress of the party. “On the bases of a statute with the collection of 1/3 of the signatures of the members of the party, will be held a referendum in January and in March will be held an extraordinary congress of the party, not in Tirana but in Shkoder or Vlora where the party will be cleared in order to be a real democratic party”, said Nano. Socialist Party chairman asked Premier Ilir Meta to become part of the solution and the problems that are created lately in the party. “Meta should be engaged in this process and he should be responsible for the solution of this situation. On the contrary, he will be responsible for the situation”, Nano stated. In the meantime, he called on the “responsible” opposition to be part or participate in the process of the fight against smuggling, different trafficking as well as in the fight for the construction of the legal state. “Thus, with the support of the opposition we will construct a strong state which will serve to all the citizens”, Socialist Party chairman Fatos Nano stated.
/ira/vik/IR/ — 2001-12-21

Police Chief of crimes in Malesia e Madhe injured

KOPLIK, Dec 21 (ATA)- By M.Malja, The chief of crimes in Malesia e Madhe district police, Prel Pjetrushi was wounded on Friday evening by individuals not yet identified. The incident took place at about 19.30, while Pjetrushi, 36, was driving on Koplik-Shkoder road, sources from the local police report. “Some individuals, not yet identified have fired on his vehicle, injuring the chief of crimes, sources report. Pjetrushi was immediately taken to the hospital of Shkodra where he went through an operation on his shoulder. Sources from the hospital report that the conditions of the chief are not life-threatening. The investigating team rushed to the site and is currently working to throw light into this crime and identify its authors.
/s.sh./so/ — 2001-12-21

Rehabilitation of Koman-Palaj road ends

SHKODER, Dec 20 (ATA) By M.Malja: The complete rehabilitation of Koman-Palaj road, 3,5 kilometers long ended. The chief of investments’ office in Shkoder Prefecture, Zef Fistani, told ATA that, through the 11 million lek fund allocated by the Albanian Development Fund (FZHSH), the rehabilitation of the road linking Palaj village with the national road which links Shkoder with Koman, ended last days. The works in this object were carried out by the local construction company “Pjetri”, which according to the project, widened the current axis and laid it with gravel, built three works of art, and so on. During the current year in Shkoder city, through the 40,3 million lek fund allocated by the Albanian government, 12 rural roads in some communes of Shkoder district were rehabilitated. meanwhile, through financing of various non-governmental organizations which operate in this district, other 6 roads have been rehabilitated in this district, in Bushat, Mes and Rrethina communes.
/s.s/aid/ — 2001-12-20

Italy invests 82 billion lira on energetic system

Tirana, December 20, (ATA) -The Italian government has approved an 82 billion lira investment on the energetic sector in Albania. The Italian ambassador to Tirana Mario Bova said during a press conference Thursday “that the Italian government considers the energy sector as an absolute priority of its intervention in the framework of co-operation in Albania, in view of the grave crisis the country is passing through”. “To this aim the Italian government has allocated a fund of 52 billion lira some times ago. The decision of 5 December 2001 adds to this sum the amount of 82 billion lira and that in the framework of co-operation plan 1998-2001”, ambassador Bova said. In regard to the financial backing of 82 billion liras, it is aimed to be used on the main areas, including the building of the new seat of the Electroenergetic corporation of Albania and the restructuring of 8 periphery buildings. The fund will cover also the building of a modern and transparent system of the bills and absorb of the incomes. The project also aims the strengthening of the maintenance system, through the supply with vehicles and equipments, as well as the supply and the rehabilitation of the system of transmission and distribution. In this framework there will be rehabilitated the distribution networks of Durres and Pogradec and there will be strengthened the substations Tirana 2,Tirana Center,Kashar and Pogradec. According to the Italian ambassador Mario Bova the Italian government has supported the Albanian energetic system, through the measures of a structural character, but also through the emergency aids to overcome the various energetic crisis, the last of which was that of winter 2000-2001. The aid consisted in the payment of the rent of movable substations of Tirana,Shkoder and Durres. In September 2000 it was also given another financial backing of 3.8 billion liras on an activity in support of the management of the Albanian Electric Corporation on the part of ENEL. As a result of the improvements in the management of Albanian Electric Corporation, thanks to this intervention it was reached the unblock of the finances in the energetic sector on the part of the international donators.
/toni/a.gj/p.s./ — 2001-12-20

Road axes linking Shkoder with northern areas opened

SHKODER, Dec 19 (ATA) By M. Malja: All the road axes linking Shkoder with the northern areas of Albania have been reopened for the movement of vehicles early on Wednesday. Sources from Shkoder Prefecture, told ATA that “the movement of vehicles in Shkoder-Koman, Shkoder-Puke, Puke-Fushe-Arrez, Puke-Mirdite and Fushe Arrez-Kukes axes has already began”. The representative of the prefecture in Puke district, Fadil Coba, stressed that “the only segments in which works are under way is that of Qafe Mali-Tropoja”. Workers of the road maintenance enterprise of Shkoder and Puke city, carried out the works to open these segments, using 5 snowploughs, 4 heavy transport means and so on. The only concern for the inhabitants of Puka city remains the repair of the main water pipe of the aqueduct damaged two days ago due to the land slide. Sources from the water supply enterprise of this city stated that the improvement of the atmospheric conditions during the last days will enable the repair of the water supply pipe in a short time. According to sources from Puka police, the forces of the sector of the road traffic are placed at alert not to allow any vehicle move without chains.
/dori/IR/aid/ — 2001-12-19

Work for clearing national roads from snow, underway

SHKODER, Dec 18 (ATA)- By M. Malja The rise of temperatures today (on Tuesday) by 3-4 degrees Celsius in comparison to Monday has rendered easier the work of maintenance enterprise Rruga Ura of the three districts of Shkoder prefecture for opening the road-axes. Representative of Shkodra prefecture in Puke Fadil Coba told ATA that “over 40 workers of the enterprise Rruga-Ura, 4 snow ploughs and several heavy vehicles are engaged in opening the segments Puke-Luf, Puke-Fushe Arrez and Fushe-Qafe Mali where the snow thickness reaches 1,5 meters. According to him, the road segment Shkoder-Puke has been re-opened two times but it was blocked again as a result of the piles of snow mainly in Luf 5 km away from the city of Puke. Currently the re-opening of this segment is towards the end. Also the work for re-opening of the road segments Puke-Fushe Arrez and Fushe Arrez-Qafe Mali which links this district with Kukes and Tropoje is underway. Police sources make known, that after the axis Shkoder-Puke be re-opened, no vehicle will be permitted to move without chains.
/dori/sm/ — 2001-12-18

Soccer: Bajko quits Vllaznia

TIRANE, Dec 17 (ATA)-By E. Todhe, The coach of Vllaznia, Neptun Bajko, left the direction of this team. The reasons of this act are not yet clear, but Bajko himself told ATA that “even if I won the two last matches, I would have left”. Bajko took over the direction of the team in the fifth week of the championship after the departure of the Montenegrin coach, Haxhiosmanovic. Now Vllaznia ranks the fifth in the classification table with 21 points. Sources from the Shkoder club report that the possible candidature to take up the direction of the team is that of Astrit Hafizi.
/a.ke/lm/ — 2001-12-17

Heavy snow falls in Shkoder Prefecture

SHKODER, Dec 15 (ATA) By M.Malja: Heavy snow falls have started to fall early on Saturday in three districts of Shkoder Prefecture, which are continuing intensely even during noon. Sources from the Prefecture made known for ATA, that “till noon the snow’s thickness amounts to 10 centimetres, while in the remote areas of this district it varies from 30 to 50 centimetres”. The snow has covered on Saturday morning even Shkoder city, while its thickness in the mountainous areas is 20-30 centimetres. The same situation is in Malesi e Madhe district. Under these conditions, the branch of traffic police has increased the control services in the road axes of this district. In some road segments the vehicles are not allowed to move without chains. No accident has been recorded so far. Meanwhile, the workers of the road-bridges maintenance enterprise in three districts of Shkoder Prefecture, are working to keep the national roads open.
/s.sh/dori/aid/ — 2001-12-15

Watersupply system of Barbullush completed with Austrian investment

Shkoder, December 15 (ATA) by M.Malja – It is completed the new watersupply system of potable water for the residents of the commune of Barbullush,20 km away from Shkodra. According to the specialist of the investment office of the prefecture Bardhi Shllaku the Austrian government allocated a fund of 4.5 million shillings for the construction of this watersupply system.”This fund was used to build some 5.3 km main and secondary tubes, there were set up water deposits in the center of the commune and in Mape village”, he said. The construction work in this object were carried out by the native construction firm “Pjetri”, which concluded them within seven months,in line with the dateline of the project determined in the project. Thanks to beginning of the work on the part of this watersupply,there are 6 thousand inhabitants of this commune who are supplied 24 hours a day with potable water. A few days ago, thanks to the fund of 7.2 million shillings allocated by the Austrian government,there were completed the new watersupplies for the villages Bushat,Raxe-Bushat,Kryebushat and Plesh (commune Bushat).In the meantime there are being given the finishing touches to the watersupply system of Obilike (commune of Ana e Malit),on which there have been allocated 3 million shillings.
/s.sh/dori/p.s./ — 2001-12-15

12 projects on rural infrastructure implemented in Shkoder

SHKODER, Dec 14 (ATA)- By M. Malja Implementation of 12 projects for improvement of road infrastructure in the rural areas of Shkodra district has concluded these days. Chief of investments office in prefecture Zef Fistani told ATA that “the projects worth 51,8 million lek allocated by the state budget and Albanian Development Fund (ADF) were implemented in 10 communes of the district.” According to him, the operations were carried out by 6 construction companies within 7 months according the deadlines set in projects. 7 projects for reconstruction of roads in communes of Mjede, Hajmel, Mes and so on were realised in this district last year. The operations were carried out through a financing worth 24,9 million lek out of the state budget. According to the same source, 24 projects were drafted for next year which aim at improving the rural infrastructure in particular the road one.
/s.sh/dori/sm/ — 2001-12-14

District of Shkoder engulfed by low temperatures

SHKODER, Dec 12 (ATA) – By M.Malja: The low temperatures of recent days have been present even in Shkoder Region. Selami Dibra, specialist in the meteorologic station of the city, told ATA that “the temperatures have fallen by 6 degrees in the last two evenings”. According to him, the temperatures have caused many obstacles in supply with electric-power, food articles for people and animals, especially in the remote villages, and the road axes are blocked in Iballe, Vemosh, Dukagjin and other places.
/dori/A.A/ — 2001-12-12

Fifteen projects implemented in Shkodra to reduce unemployment

SHKODER, Dec 11 (ATA)- By M. Malja, Fifteen projects have been implemented in Shkodra during 2001 to encourage employment. According to the Director of Labor office, Pavllo Jako, the projects have aimed to increase employment in sectors such as construction, wood processing and other. Some 976 people have been hired through these projects. Sources from this office stated that “the value of the implementation of the above mentioned projects amounts to over 52 million lek”. Two other projects, worth 6 million lek, are reported to commence soon, where 276 people will be employed.
/dori/so/ — 2001-12-11

First Albanian novel

December 10, 1913, was published the first book in prose in Albanian language, “Shkodra e rrethueme” (Siege of Shkodra), written by the writer Ndoc Nikaj. It was this book that opened the way to the Albanian novel.

Shkoder: Around 7140 people work in illegal jobs

SHKODER, Dec 7 (ATA) By M.Malja: The number of the workers who employed in illegal jobs in companies and different private subjects in Shkoder district amounts to 7140. The head of the Regional Office of Labour, Pavllo Jako told ATA that the illegal job is typical of construction companies mainly, in wood processing industry, agr.food one and so on. During the current year, the Inspectorate of Labour close to this Directorate has exerted controls in 732 comapnies and private subjects and has imposed fines, which vary from 7 thousand lek to 70 thousand lek, on 132 of them. According to the same source, the number of employed in illegal jobs is estimated to greater than the above mentioned figure, as there are a lot of people who run activities which are not licensed and it is impossible controll them. Meanwhile, it is learned that the office of labour has created jobs for around 300 Shkoder girls and women in clothing industry, but so far only a few of them have been registered close to these companies. This is beacuse a part of them work illegally and receive economic assistance from the Municipality. For this purpose, the office of Labour has demanded the removal from the economic scheme of the persons who are offered jobs.
/dori/aid/ — 2001-12-07

40% of the private subjects don’t pay local taxes

Shkoder,december 6,(ATA) by M.Malja – 40% of the private subjects of Shkoder town don’t pay local taxes. The man in charge of the taxes and tariffs of Shkoder townhall Ahmet Omi told to the ATA that on the basis of a check exercised on the part of the Inspectoriate and the tax office of the municipality, it came out that 40% of the private subjects of Shkodra town don’t pay the local taxes. According to him,”the total sum this subjects owe to the municipality surpasses the sum of 24.5 million leke”. The above sum is considered big for the budget of this municipality, and as a consequence it is obliged not to realize several projects foreseen in the field of infrastructure,education,culture and sports.The failure to pay the taxes from this part of the business community is appreciated by the heads of the tax office as a negative trend in regard to the failure to meet the obligations for the coming tax system year which begins on January 1. In order to solve the problem the municipality has asked the tax office not to register any private subject without paying first the fiscal obligations at the municipality.In the meantime, in order to urge the private sector to pay the local taxes ,the townhall council has made a decrease of several taxes which are dependent of the townhall,like that of the cleaning, property, notices etc.
/s.s./p.s./ — 2001-12-06

Lezhe-Balldren road near completion

TIRANE, Dec. 6 (ata)- By N. Mano The works in the road Lezhe-Balldren will complete at the end of December, sources of Ministry of Transports made known. The rehabilitation of the road Lezhe-Shkoder in total costs worth 438 million lek with funds from the state budget. The axis Lezhe-Balldren is its constituent part and is some 6.2 km long. So far the main works have finished in this road axis such as: extension, the support walls, the works of art as well as the removals of the electric lines, phone lines and water-supply networks.
/a.gj/IR/ — 2001-12-06

Sport: Soccer “Loro Borici” stadium, ready for Vllaznia-Teuta match

SHKODER, December 6 (ATA) By M.Malja: “Loro Borici” stadium in Shkoder will open its doors after 6 months. The first who will play in the new field are Vllaznia and Teuta soccer players. According to the president of Vllaznia, Myftar Cela, before the match, a show with songs and humour will be given for the spectators. The complete reconstruction of the stadium was done through the 35 million fund allocated by the sate budget, meeting the first condition required by UEFA. The secretary of Vllaznia club, Ramazan Rragani, said that othere funds promised by the federation are expected. “We have been promised by FSH (Albanian Federation) that the illumination of the stadium will be done through UEFA’s funds, whereas we will wait for another fund allocated by Albanian Ministry of Youth, Culture and Sports.
/A.KE/aid/ — 2001-12-06

30-year old who peddled narcotics arrested

SHKODER, December 4 (ATA) By M.Malja: A 30-year old from Shllak commune (Shkoder) was detained on Tuesday in “Skenderbeg” neighbourhood of Shkoder city by the regional office of the fight against drugs, as he was caught in the act while peddling narcotics. According to official sources from local police, at around 12.30 on Tuesday, the national Nike Nojza from Ndrej village of Shllak commune (Shkoder), who was peddling near the civil hospital 13 doses of heroin was detained. During the control exerted in his “Benz”, an automatic rifle and two cartridge clips illegally possessed were found. Since the beginning of the current year, Shkoder police has detained 10 people, suspected of peddling narcotics and has destroyed nearly 640 thousand “cannabis sativa” narcotic plants sown in various areas of the district.
/rimi/aid — 2001-12-04

Environmentalists demand proclamation of Shkoder lake “National Park”

SHKODER, December 3 (ATA) By M.Malja: The Shkoder lake must be protected by the state and be proclaimed a “National Park”. This was the request Shkoder environmentalists presented to the Ministry of Environment on order to curb the pollution of the lake and the extinction of the seriously endangered species of this lake. In the meeting held on Monday, Shkoder environmentalists have put forward the risk that this lake becomes a polluted place, while they have presented the endangered habitats. According to the head of the regional Agency of, Viktor Jubani among the endangered species are rare kinds not only in a national scale, but in a regional one also”. In the meeting, it was admitted that the situation of the fish is not known. This is because in a lot of cases the fishing is done through TNT or electric power, especially in the time and place of reproduction. The bridges of the lakes close to the city are the favourite sites for the dumping of the construction materials such as inert materials. This has made that a lot of fowls leave the Albanian side of the lake, among which the great cormorant, which is currently found only in the Montenegrin coast. The environmentalists have demanded that the Albanian state takes protection measures, as the Montenegrin part has done, which has declared the Shkoder lake a “National park” and strictly protects by law the natural values of this lake.
/dori/aid/ — 2001-12-03

Soccer: Tomorri – Vllaznia 0-2

TIRANE, Dec 2 (ATA)-The match between the Tomori and Vllaznia teams, played on Sunday afternoon at the stadium of Berat town, ended with the victory of Shkoder players 2:0. The match was part of the 11th week of national championship.
/a.ke/lm/ — 2001-12-02

Two fishermen drowned in Shkoder lake

SHKODER, Dec 2 (ATA)-By M. Malja, Two fishermen from Malesia e Madhe were drowned on Sunday while fishing in the Shkoder Lake waters. Official police sources report that “the event took place at around 00.30 today when the two fishermen, inhabitants of Kamice village, Melesi e Madhe, were drowned in the lake because of the big waves and of falling in the low temperature water”. The police informed by inhabitants of the zone around the Lake, in cooperation with several divers coming from Durres Port, started to search the fishers’ bodies. The body of one of the fisherman was found by midday while searches continue.
/rimi/lm/ — 2001-12-02

Sport: Four best wrestlers were awarded sports prize “Paloke Nika”

SHKODER, Dec 2 (ATA)- By M. Malja The Municipal Council of Shkodra city awarded the four best wrestlers of this city the sports prize “Paloke Nika”. The sports inspector in the town-hall told ATA that “at proposal of the sports club Vllaznia, the municipal council awarded in its regular meeting the talented wrestlers of Shkodra Eljaz Guri, Naim Pepa (after death) Paulin Sterkaj and Nikoll Grima the sports prize “Paloke Nika” under the motivation “For their contribution to the qualitative improvement of wrestling as well as the achievement of high results in national and international activities.”
/A.KE/sm/ — 2001-12-02

Shkoder: Show luck show 2001

Shkoder, Dec 1,(ATA) by M.Malja- The spectacle “Show luck show 2001” with the participation of the well known Shkodra singers and humorists as well as of the artists invited from the other districts of the country has been welcomed this week-end by the Shkoder artlovers. The organizers of this activity was Radio and TV Shkodra. Well known singers of the folk song and the light music like Aurela Gace, Vesel Pelingu(from Ulqin)Mukades Canga as well as humorists of the town’s variety show have been the protagonists of this activity which did have in its programme various games and competitions. It was broadcasted live from TV Shkodra while it was followed by thousand viewers of this TV station in the town of Shkoder as well as in the surrounding areas. The manager of the Shkoder TV Erzen Kuperaj told to the ATA that such spectacles will be hold once in two weeks with the participation of the humorists and the best singers of the country who will be invited in these spectacles.
/f.n/p.s./ — 2001-12-01


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