N E W S – 2003


N E W S – Januar 2003

Transformer of Vau i Dejes substation damaged

SHKODER, Jan 1 (ATA)-By M. Malja, One of the transformers of Vau Dejes Hydro-Power Station substation in Shkoder district was damaged early this morning because of the heavy load, according to sources from the hydro-power station. This has caused curtailment of electric power in the districts of Shkoder, Lezhe and Malesi e Madhe. Meanwhile, the Minister of Energy and Industry, Viktor Doda, as well as senior officials of the Electric Power Generation and Distribution Firm (KESH), went to Shkoder district today to follow the situation closely. Specialists of the Vau i Dejes Hydro-Power station and KESH are working to repair it as soon as possible.
/s.s./lm/ — 2001-01-01

Fund of 55 million lek allocated for Shkoder-Murriqan road

SHKODER, Jan 2 /ATA-M.Malja/ – A fund of 55 million lek have been allocated in 2003 state budget for the second stage of rehabilitation of Shkoder-Murriqan road. Sources from this district told Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) that “this fund will serve to complete rehabilitation of the road from Zus village to Murriqan, 11 kilometers long.” The tender to asses the company that will carry out workings will be held this month. Last year was completed the first stage of this project with a fund of 17.1 million leks.
/s.s./E.H/ — 2001-01-02

Works are under way to repair transformer of Vau i Dejes hydro-power station

SHKODER, Jan 2 /ATA/ By M.Malja: -Specialists of Albanian Power Corporation (KESH) and workers of the hydro-power station of Vau i Dejes are working to repair the transformer which broke down early on Wednesday due to the electric overcharge. This fault caused frequent power cuts in Shkoder and Lezhe districts, because there is only one transformer which supplies them with power. Specialists of KESH have drawn up a chart for the distribution of energy in the two districts, but this transformer cannot meet this region’s need for power supply.
/d.k/aid/ — 2001-01-02

Construction work in Shkoder was 30% higher

SHKODER, January 3 /ATA/- by M.Malja- The construction volume during last year in Shkoder area, in Northern Albania, experienced an increase of 30% more as compared to 2001. Mimoza Volumi, expert of the Statistics close to local INSTAT Office told to ATA that all this work has been carried out by 128 construction firms, 15 of which established during 2002″. Most of these construction firms have been involved in setting up dwelling places mainly of the villa type, service shops or places of other production businesses. She made mention of two new plants built recently, that of oil processing and duralumin productions, one of them built in Oblik village located some 4 km away from the town, and the other in the former industrial area on the part of Albanian businessmen. There were invested 1 million dollars for the construction of these two factories of contemporary technology. Over 40 of these firms have won bids for implementing projects financed by the state budget money and foreign donators. The same source also made known that “these firms have applied over 50 projects worth 3 million dollars mainly on the rehabilitation of the roads, water supply system, schools and health sector. Among the most important projects applied during last year there can be made mention reconstruction of road Shkoder-Velipoje, Shkoder-Muriqan, watermain, three new school buildings, reconstruction of Shkoder-Bajze railways and Buna bridge.
/d.k/p.s./ — 2003-01-03

Shkoder: Foresti gets “Doctor Honourees Cause”

SHKODER, Jan 14 /ATA/ – by M.Malja – Rectorate of “Luigj Gurakuqi” University in Shkoder town, in Northern Albania, Tuesday noon awarded to Italy’s ex-ambassador to Tirana Paolo Foresti the high title “Doctor Honourees Cause”. During the ceremony organised on this occasion, deputy Rector Artan Haxhi said that “today we are honouring a special friend of ours, a friend of Shkoder and of the Albanians, ex-Ambassador of Italy Paolo Foresti, who has contributed for the integration of Albania and its introduction into the road of development, planting peace and fraternity through establishment of linking close bridges with the Italian people”. On his part Italian Minister of Community policies, Rocco Buttiglione, said during the ceremony that “relations Albania-Italy are fine and are advancing in the proper way. In their strengthening a special role has been played by ex-Ambassador Foresti, who used to work in Albania during a very hard period of the Albanian people.” Meanwhile, deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ilir Meta said during the ceremony that “relations with Italy are strategic because Italy will be a support for Albania’s membership into the NATO and the EU. And we have got such a backing by Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, President Ciampi and Minister Buttiglione.” And according to Meta, ex-Ambassador Foresti has a special merit for the good relations existing between the two countries. He has worked for the expounding of bilateral relations in the economic and cultural fields. It was Rector Mahir Hoti who handed over to Foresti the award “Doctor Honourees Cause” under the motif “Distinguished personality in the field of national politics, a mature diplomat, who remains an outstanding example of scientific capability into the important processes of evolution of international relations”.
/d.k/p.s./ — 2003-01-14

Vau i Dejes hydropower station to be rehabilitated

SHKODER, Jan 16 /ATA/ – By M.Malja – Rehabilitation of Vau i Dejes hydropower station in Shkodra area is underway. Sabri Barbullushi, the Manager of the hydropower station told to ATA that “with a fund of 45 million dollars accorded by the World Bank will be used for the rehabilitation of hydropowers of Fierza, Vau i Dejes, Ulez and Shkopet”. According to him, there are 8 million dollars accorded for rehabilitation of Vau i Dejes hydropower station. The project is drafted by experts of the Albanian Power Corporation (KESH). The original project was compiled since 1994, but because of lack of funds it was not realised. Work is expected to be finished by the end of the current year. By that time, the hydropower station will have a contemporary technology and production of electric power will be increased. This is the first investment in 30 years on the first hydropower station built on Drini river, in Northern Albania. The two other hydropower stations on this river are Fierza hydropower station set up in 1981 and that of Koman built in 1985.
/d.k/p.s./ — 2003-01-16

Jup Kastrati, a distinguished personality of 21-rst century

SHKODER, Jan 17 /ATA/- By M.Malja – Prof.Dr. Jup Kastrati, for his contribution in the fields of linguistics and albanology, is selected by Cambridge International Biographical Centre for the course on publication of biographies of the outstanding intellectuals of the 21-rst century. His name has been included in the special edition of this centre “2000 distinguished personalities of the 21-rst century”. Just a little time ago, it was the American Institute of Biographies that awarded him the title “A brilliant mind of the 21-rst century”.
/d.k/p.s./ — 2003-01-17

Sport: Soccer: Another Montenegron joins Vllaznia team

SHKODER, Jan 19 /ATA/- By M.Malja- After the arrival of the mid-field player from Ukraine, Romanishin, to the Shkodra team of Vllaznia is joined while in Ulqin, Montenegro, even defender from Montenegro Rudovic. Sources close to Vllaznia make known that the well-known Sutjeska defender Rudovic will be under supervision of coach Hysen Dedja before he begins to play. Vllaznia team has also two other Montengron players Gjokovic and Borac. Vllaznia team is actually in the Montengron town of Ulqin since two weeks for training.
/A.KE/p.s./A.A/ — 2003-01-19

OSCE backs opening of Albania – EU negotiations – Liponnen

SHKODRA, Jan 29 (ATA) – By M. Malja, Ambassador of OSCE’s Presence in Tirana Osmo Liponnen declared in Shkoder on Wednesday that the organisation he represents backs opening of negotiations between Albania and the European Union (EU). During a meeting on Wednesday with journalists, Liponnen, focusing on this issue, underlined that “opening of negotiations is of great importance to Albania, because this process is not easy to be accomplished and your country should meet some of the tasks requested for joining the EU”.
/d.k/desi/lm/ — 2003-01-29

First Albanian Cardinal, Monseigneur Mikel Koliqi

TIRANE, Jan 29 (ATA)-Monseigneur Mikel Koliqi died six years ago at the age of 94. He was the first Albanian Cardinal, honoured citizen and officiating priest, whose figure was enhanced in silence. Koliqi was born in Shkoder in September 1902. He graduated from the secondary and higher school in Italy. After finishing studies for Theology in Milan of Italy he returned to Albania where he was ordained officiating priest at the age of 29. His stay in Italy for several years did not distance him from his country. In 1936 Koliqi was nominated parson of Shkoder and later General Vicar; loyal son of the Holy See. Being talented in music he formed a small modern chorus of the Cathedral in Shkoder, where he founded the Catholic Action for the Youth and became first director of review “The Bell of Sunday”, a religious and cultural review, which was closed in December 1944. With the coming of communist regime, Koliqi was arrested and sentenced to four years imprisonment. In 1953 he was sent to exile and later sentenced again to 15 years term. With the coming of democracy in Albania Koliqi was awarded the title “Monseigneur”, the title “Torchbearer of democracy” by the People’s Assembly and held the task of the parson of Shkoder until 1992. In December 1994, Pope John Paul II wards him the degree of the Cardinal. “Now my nomination as cardinal makes the eyes of the world turn at our forgotten homeland,” said Koliqi after the award.
/a.t/f.n/lm/ — 2003-01-29

Albania – Montengro relations consolidated – Meta

PODGORICE, Jan 30 (ATA)-By I. Alicka, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Ilir Meta told a joint news conference with Montengrin Foreign Minister Dragisha Burzan on Thursday that “all meetings confirmed that the relations between the two countries are consolidated”. “This visit reconfirmed the good cooperation between the two countries, a concrete communication and concrete projects, which express the will for further strengthening of relations.” Burzan told the conference. “We have discussed two important issues in bilateral developments, the agreement for the protection of the Shkoder Lake waters and that of defending the rights of the minorities,” he added. Meta said that many projects have been realised and other will be realised in a near future, dwelling on the Elbasan – Podgorice electric power connection line, on the agreement on water economies and their joint administration as well as on the great prospects of cooperation between the two countries in tourism. Meta said that the Albanians residing in Montenegro should be increasingly integrated with the institutional, political and economic systems of Montenegro, adding that “in the same way we are committed to creating vast opportunities for the Montengrins in Albania, as strengthening of inter-ethnic cohabitation is a condition for the stability of the two countries.

Asked how he considers the examination of the constitutional charter by the parliament of Serbia and Montenegro also in the framework of the Kosova status, and what is its effect on the relations between the two countries, Meta said that “it is the right of Serbia and Montenegro to determine their future, it is the right of Kosova to determine its future and it is not fair for certain peoples to determine the destiny of other peoples”. “The issue of Kosova is a matter of international institutions and of the Security Council rather than an internal matter. This issue will not affect the relations between the two countries. It will not affect the Albania-Serbia relations, either,” said Meta. “The Kosova issue should be determined by the expression of the will of its citizens without distinction of ethnic groups, in understanding with the international factor so as to strengthen Western Balkans and Southeastern Europe”.
/xh.c/d.k/lm/ — 2003-01-30

N E W S – Februar 2003

Work to face heavy snow falls situation in Shkoder continues

SHKODER, Feb. 3 (ata) – By M Malja: The recent snow falls in the mountain zones of the prefecture of Shkodra, with snow in some places being 1 meter high, has brought about the blocking of some mountain areas of this prefecture. The emergency office inspector in the Prefecture of Shkodra, Pellumb Dani, told ATA that as a result of the snow falling in the last three days, accompanied with strong winds and low temperatures, the remote zone communes of Vermosh, Shala, Shosh, Iballa, Fierza have been blocked. According to him, the snow layers in those zones is more than 1.5 meters. The emergency staffs, local structures and road maintencnace enterprise people are working intensively to open the roads. The road segments of Fushe Arrez-Mide and Fushe Arrez-Fierze are expected to be passable today. Dani said that if weather keeps improving like today, in three days all the roads will be passable. The chairman of the commune of Shala said the life in his commune is paralyzed, with schools being closed and electric and telephone network damaged. He demanded assistance from the local government structures to help open the road to the commune. Sources from the prefecture say that so far the population in the snow-locked communes has had no problems with food supplies. With the exception of the communes of Shala and Temal, other communes have regular electricity supply. The low temperatures in the recent days have caused damages in the electric energy system of the city of Shkodra. As a result of the increase of energy consumption in the last few days, some energy transformers and cables have been damaged. Sources from the educational department in the district of Shkodra report that schools have functioned normally throughout the district, except for some remote mountain communes.
/s.s./xh/ — 2003-02-03

Water flows in lake of Koman hydro-power station increase

SHKODER, Feb 6 (ATA)- By M. Malja The heavy rainfalls that keep on falling since several days in the northern and north-eastern zones of the country have substantially increased the water flows in the lake of Koman hydro-power station in Shkodra district. Sources from the operational hall in this hydro-power station told ATA that, “the side water flows are registered at 800 cubic meters per second on Thursday morning, out of 300 cubic meters of water per second that they were some days ago”. According to the same sources, the augmentation of the water flows has caused the increasing of the quota of the lake of this hydro-power station which has reached at 169 meters above sea level, out of 170 meters that it is its maximal quota. Currently, only fours turbines work with full capacity in this hydro-power station. Three hydro-power stations are built on Drini river, that of Vau i Dejes, that of Fierza and that of Koman.
/s.s./IR/ — 2003-02-06

Frost, snow continue in remote zones of Shkoder

SHKODER, Feb. 10 (ata) – By M Malja: Several remote mountainous zones in the Prefecture of Shkoder continue to be blocked because of the snow and low temperatures of the last days. Official sources of the district’s police directory told ATA that some of the rural road segments of the prefecture of Shkodra continue to be blocked. According to the same source, the road segments of Hani i Hotit-Vermosh, Mes-Shale-Shosh-Temal, Fushe Arrez-Iballe, Fushe Arres-Blerim and others continue to be blocked, whereas the national road Fushe Arres-Kukes, Fushe Arres-Fierze are passable. Sources from emergency office in the Prefecture of Shkodra told ATA that road maintenance enterprise people are working to open the segments of rural roads. According to the chairman of the remote commune of Shala Mark Doci, the intervention of army is necessary to open the rural roads because the inhabitants of this zone are isolated since two weeks. According to him, energy lacks in two from the ten villages of this district. According to him, lessons have begun in all the schools of this commune after an interruption of two weeks.
/s.s./IR/A.A/ — 2003-02-10

Successful performances of “Sander kompani” troupe in USA

SHKODER, Feb. 11 (ATA)- By M. Nalja The private troupe “Sander kompani”, invited by our compatriots who live in Detroit of USA, gave s number of spectacles in different cities of USA. It is not the first time that this private artistic troupe gives spectacles in USA. This troupe was invited to give a number of spectacles in different cities of America, where our compatriots live, in November 2001 as well. The private company “Sander kompani” is created five years ago and is led by the humorist of the city of Shkodra Sander Ruci. Among the nearest objectives of this troupe are the spectacles forecast to be given in Macedonia and Italy.
/s.s./IR/ — 2003-02-11

Shkoder-Bajze railway ready to operate for transportation of commodities

KOPLIK, Feb.13 (ata) – By M Malja: The railway Shkoder-Bajze is ready to resume operation for the transport of commodities, said to ATA the regional director of Shkodra railway, Kujtim Vucini. For one month now, the speed of the movement of trains on Shkoder-Hani i Hotit railway, 25 km, has been set, and it will be from 40-50 km per hour. Vucini said that re-commissioning of the railway line is expected to yield its fruits regarding the increase of revenues in this transport sector. The demands for the transportation of various goods is high because this is the only railway line linking Albania with European railway systems. Last year, when only Hani i Hotit-Bajze railway segment was functioning, the total volume of transport was over 4 800 tons of commodities. In the few next days, Shkoder-Bajze railway line is expected to be connected with the other part of the Albanian railway. The complete rehabilitation of Shkoder-Bajze railway line was enabled through a fund of 365 million lek by the Albanian state budget. The rehabilitation work ended on December 20, 2002. The Shkoder-Bajze railway line was built in 1986 and it functioned until 1992. The transport of goods is expected in a few days from the commodities train station of Bajza towards the internal part of Albanian railway system.
/s.s./xh/xh/ — 2003-02-13

“Union of Northern Journalists” established

SHKODER, Feb 16 /ATA/- By M.Malja- At the venues of “Colosseum” Hotel in the Northern Albanian town of Shkoder, on Sunday it was introduced officially the Shkodra based association “Union of Northern Journalists”. This association is attended by journalists of the written and electronic media working in the Northern areas of the country. Head of the association Blerti Delija said that “Our aim is to be in defence of interests of the local journalists of Northern areas”. One of the principal targets of the Association, according to Deliu, will be revival of the excellent tradition of journalism existing for some 120 years in these areas.
/s.s./p.s./ — 2003-02-16

200 million lek for rehabilitation of electric network in Shkoder

SHKODER, Feb. 17 (ata) – By M Malja: Some 200 million lek funded by the Albanian Power Corporation through an Italian credit will be used for the rehabilitation of the electric network in the district of Shkodra. Director of the electric affiliate in the district of Shkodra Nexhat Maliqi said to ATA that “this fund will be used for the installation of 5000 new electric meters, the installation of a 20 kW line and the construction of 30 new electric cabins, 10 of which in the city, and the improvement of the internal low tension electric network in some of the city quarters.” According to him, the installation of the 20 Mega transformers of the electric substation no.1 of the city is expected to improve considerably the electric supply.
/s.s./xh/ — 2003-02-17

Asphalting of Lezhe-Balldre road segment started

LEZHE, Feb. 19 (ata) – By M Malja: The asphalting of Lezhe-Balldre road segment, part of Lezha-Shkoder highway, started on Tuesday. Sources from the prefecture told ATA that the Lezhe-Balldre road segment is 6 km long while the whole Lezhe-Shkoder highway is 33 km. The work for the construction of this highway started a year ago. The Albanian Government has delivered a fund of USD18 million and the work for the construction of the highway which will be over in September 2004.
/s.s./xh/xh/ — 2003-02-19

12 projects to encourage employment, 743 people employed

SHKODER, Feb. 20 (ata) – By M Malja: Some 743 persons were employed last year in the city of Shkoder thanks to the implementation of 12 projects on employment. The director of the labour office in this city, Sokol Halili told ATA that 743 people were employed last year. With a 50 million lek fund by the state budget, 12 projects which helped encourage employment in some sectors of the economy were implemented. Specialists of economy think that the number of the employed in city of Shkoder should be several times more that is reported because private firms do not reveal the real number of workers to evade fiscal obligations and social insurances. In a study made recently by the district trade unions confederation, 3700 people have been employed in the sector of construction alone, but only 256 people are registered. Sources from the labour office say that the number of the unemployed in this city is 15 thousand. This year too there are several projects on employment which would help reduce the number of the unemployed in this city. Hence, work for the construction of the cement factory in village Mes, about 5 km from the city, is expected to start this year and the new factory will create jobs for over 1200 workers.
/s.s./xh/ — 2003-02-20

Illegal buildings along Velipoja beach ruined

SHKODER, Feb. 20 (ata) – By M Malja: Construction police of Shkoder started Thursday to demolish the illegal buildings along Velipoja beach, about 27 km from the city of Shkoder. Sources from construction police of the prefecture said to ATA that over the first stage there are 84 illegal buildings set up in the recent years in the center of the beach of Velipoja, that will be ruined. The operation, the first in this tourist zone, is being carried out by the Construction Police General Department with the support of the public order forces of the police commissariat of Shkoder. Sources from the prefecture say that over the past ten years, over 49 illegal buildings have been constructed in the beach of Velipoja. Recently, the Council for Territorial Adjustment of the district adopted the master plan of the beach of Velipoja, which is expected to be discussed and approved by the national Council for Territorial Adjustment. After the master plan is approved, the second stage of the demolition of other illegal buildings in this tourist area will start.
/s.s./xh/ — 2003-02-20

Some 69 million lek to be financed on educational system in Shkoder

SHKODER, Feb. 24 (ata) – By M Malja: About 69 million lek have been earmarked by the state budget for 2003 to be used on the educational sector in the district of Shkodra. The fund, 10 percent higher than last year, will be used for the rehabilitation of 15 secondary and elementary schools in the villages of the district. The rehabilitation work is expected to start in the first days of April and will finish at the end of August. In addition, with a USD200 thousand by the World Bank, complete rehabilitation of the elementary school Ismail Qemali will start. Over the last five years, through state budget and foreign donors a total of over 71 schools out of 121 that the whole district has, has been rehabilitated.
/d.k/xh/ — 2003-02-24

First musical band in Albania was created in Shkodra city

SHKODER, Feb 27 (ATA)- By M. Malja The first musical band in Albania was created in the 2400 years old city of Shkodra, dating back to year 1870. His first director was Paloke Kurti who was distinguished for folk and artistic sentiments. The musical band of Frano Ndoja was the second band created in Shkodra. At the beginning, the first band was composed of 15 instrumentalists but later the number reached at 50. They were young artisans of different professions. Its repertoire contained songs and marches of a patriotic and folk character which animated school-life especially on occasion of feasts or the end of the school year.
/d.k/IR/ — 2003-02-27

(The news are interrupted here for two reasons, 1. I started publishing the Supplement Free of Speech, and 2. I moved to Albania… /AÇ)


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