
Bashkia Shkoder, logo
  • I would like to thank some people, which helped me in the beginning to gather the information for the web site of… and among them, Mr. Jozef Bushati, for helping me on gathering the necessary information and creating valuable connections, in purpose of gathering the information shown in this HomePage of Shkodra.
  • Great thanks go to Mr. Kolec Traboini, writer and journalist, who lives Boston, USA. Mr. Traboini has been kindly to send me valuable writings for the page of Shkodra, and assisting at the same time in continuous consultations about this page.
  • A great help has also come from Mr. Klajd Kapinova, a Shkodran writer and journalist living now in New York. I won’t forget to mention a lot of articles writen by the journalist Beqir Sina, (New York) and the great support of a lot of friends around the world, who have suggested me to improve…
  • A valuable help was also given by Mr. Mentor Kopliku, an official of Shkodra Museum. His help was given in gathering documents with historical background.
  • The Sounds of Shkodra has been made possible by Mr. Zef Çoba a well-known composer in Shkodra. He works as a journalist for the music department in Radio Shkodra, and manages the chorus “Schola Cantorum Dom Mikel Koliqi” since ’97.
  • I would like to thank you also, two young physicians Mr. Ernest Ruka and Mr. Dashamir Çokaj (my brother) for helping me in creating connections, giving suggestions and guiding me in gathering the information needed for this page.
  • I send my great thanks and admiration to all those co-workers, which have been kind to help me to make possible this HomePage of Shkodra.
  • Since than the web site of… has changed a lot, and I have by myself worked to make this web site possible, as a source of information about the city of Shkodra, and more. I have been focusing my work on the Supplement of Free Speech, where I continue to publish daily informations and articles with Albanian National interest. 

Sincerely Yours

Arben Çokaj
Owner & Webmaster


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