Pėrmbajtja e statusit tė ardhshėm tė Malit tė Zi varet nga afria e mazhorancės ndaj minoriteteve
Standardet para referendumit
-- nga Viktor N. Ivezaj, 29 Mars 2006
Departamenti i Shkencave Politike
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, SHBA
Nėse kemi mėsuar diē nga historia mbi kėto pesėmbėdhjetė vitet e fundit, tash e kemi tė qartė se nėse shteti pretendon tė mbajė tėrė shoqėrinė sėbashku, shumica duhet t'ua njohė minoriteteve tė drejtėn e trajtimit tė barabartė si individė dhe si komunitete. Kėto mėsime demonstrojnė sa ka ndikim efektiv pėrfaqėsimi i minoriteteve nė tė gjitha nivelet e vendimmarrjes, nė qėndrueshmėrinė e sforcuar tė vetėqeverisjes me pėrfaqėsues tė minoriteteve, apo vetėqeverisje tė veēanta tė minoriteteve, edhe atėherė kur bėhet ndarja e pushtetit brenda strukturės institucionale tė shtetit, qė do tė pėrmirėsonte mangėsitė e demokracisė, nė shtetet multietnike. Ngado nė Evropėn Lindore, po pėrhapet njė valė e re e tranzicionit demokratik qė nėkupton miratimin e vendimeve tė minoriteteve, nga mazhoranca, tash ky koncept po fiton vrullshėm nė popullaritet kudo nė Evropėn Lindore dhe papritur po e bėnė tė prekshme prezencėn nė shtetet ish-komuniste tė Evropės Lindore, pėrfshirė Malin e Zi.
Zhvillimet nė Mal tė Zi kanė vėnė nė shėnjestėr diskutimet se sa ėshtė i pėrgatitur vendi tė ēajė valėt e demokracisė dhe tė lėrė anash tė kaluarėn turbulente. Pika e fokusimit e kėtyre debateve ėshtė pėrqėndruar nė fatin e marrėveshjes sė Beogradit (e cila kohė mė parė shėnoi trevjetorin e lindjes), dhe a duhet tė mbėshtetet apo tė shpėrbėhet. Kundrejt aspiratave pro-unione tė serbėve, Mali i Zi po bėnė njė fushatė tė vėshtirė pėr tė shkurajuar martesėn e hidhur pėr tė synuar pavarėsinė si mjet tė vetėm pėr sukses politik dhe ekonomik, lėvizja unilaterale ishte karrem i kriticizmit nga zyrtarėt e BE-sė, partive opozitare nė parlament, dhe grupeve multietnike ngado nė kėtė republikė tė vogėl. Sadoqė suksesi nė masė tė madhe do tė varet nga kapacitetet e Malit tė Zi pėr tė forcuar dhe menagjuar institucionet ekonomike dhe ato tė qeverisjes, duke pėrfshirė zhvillimin e bashkėsisė (komunitetit) dhe qeverisjen lokale, ajo do tė kushtėzojė observimin e kėrkesave nė rritje tė qytetarėve multietnikė qė tė inkorporohen nė proceset politike, ekonomike, sociale dhe civile. Pėr tė deklaruar se Mali i Zi i ka plotėsuar kėto objektiva do tė ishte ekzagjerim, por t'i thotė sė paku. Nė fakt, nėse asgjėkundi tjetėr ka dėshtuar keqazi nė reformat sociopolitike si dhe nė trajtimin e tė drejtave tė minoriteteve, dhe pa mėdyshje shqiptarėt nė regjionin jugor tė malėsisė sė Madhe vazhdojnė tė jenė viktima tė neglizhencės, heqjes sė drejtės sė votimit dhe asimilimit.
Pa iu pėrkushtuar gjykimeve pėr davarisjet ndėretnike dhe pasojat qė mund tė rriten, elita politike e Malit tė Zi ka vendosur tė mos pėrfillė vėrejtjet qė sinjalizojnė shqetėsimet e opozitės dhe nxitimin pėr referendum, pėr ēka pretendojnė qė tė gjitha fatkeqėsitė e vendit t'i fshehin nėn mbulesė. Njėra nga lėvizjet e mėdha tė papritura ėshtė kundėrshtimi i politikanėve tė Podgoricės qė tė kthehen prapa dhe vlerėsimi qė mbajnė nėn kontroll ēėshtjen shqiptare, para se tė vazhdojnė tė gėnjehen duke besuar se mbretėron njė situatė paqėsore me grupin mė tė madh etnik. Megjithatė dalja nga referendumi do tė hapte debate tė shumėta nga grupet mė tė mėdha etnike serbėt dhe boshnjakėt, ėshtė gjithashtu me vlerė konstatimi se dėshtimi poashtu do tė qetėsojė kėrkesat pėr multietnicitet qytetar, do tė preludon konsekuenca mė tė mėdha pasigurie se sa qė ka drojė komuniteti ndėrkombėtar pėr mė tė keqen: polemizimi (debati) i rezultateve pėrfundimitare do tė vė nė spikamė lėvizjet pėrcarėse pėr tė ndarė shtetin gjeografikisht pėrgjatė vijave etnike.
Masat parandaluese pėr tė mos ndodhė kjo janė skicuar me kujdes nė Vjenė, por propozimi i Solanės dhe Lajcekut qė sugjeron mundėsin qė vendi lejohet tė shkėputet nga federata nėse 55 pėrqind tė votuesve pėrcaktohen pėr pavarėsi dhe 50 pėrqind tė elektoratit tė marrin pjesė nė votime, nė thelb ėshtė disejnuar pėr tė aranzhuar martesėn nė mes tė Malit tė Zi dhe Serbisė, e dhėnė, qė bėnė gati tė pamundur grumbullimin e votave tė mjaftueshme qė do tė krijonin distancė votash ndaj opozitės pėr tė ndarė shtetin Por parashikimet e referendumit janė vetėm njė pjesė e dhėmbjes nė rritje tė Malit tė zi. Si shtesė e lojėrave qė po luhen jashtė Podgoricės, janė shqetėsimet brengosėse pėr zhvillimet nė jugun e kryeqytetit ku minoriteti shqiptar me tė drejtė vote po kėrkon alternativa pėr dėshtimet politike, sociopolitike dhe ekonomike qė ka shtangur qė moti zhvillimin e tyre dhe vazhdon tė rrezikojė me tė madhe ekzistencėn e tyre.
Nė komunitetin shqiptar brenda dhe pėrreth Tuzit, ose Malėsisė sė Madhe, shkalla substanciale e decentralizimit administrativ do tė jetė komponent vendimtar nė sigurinė e mė se 13,000 shqiptarėve qė marrin pjesė nė tė ardhmen e Malit tė Zi, pa marrė parasysh se a kalon apo dėshton referendumi. Mungesa e pėrgjigjesė nė kėrkesat e shqiptarėve pėr njė plan urban tė ristrukturuar ku Malėsia do tė njihej qartė si bashki, ka nxjerrė nė pah ashpėrsitė e kriticizmit nga elita politike e shqiptarėve nė Tuz dhe ka shtuar kėrkesat e panumėrta tė pėrmbledhura nė thirrje pėr reforma nė arsim, nė punėsim, nė shėndetėsi, nė ndėrtim banesash dhe nė gjyqėsi. Elita e shqiptarėve dhe pėrfaqėsuesit politik i kanė bė me dije Podgoricės qė mungesa e dėshirės pėr tė adresuar kėto ankesa do tė kontribon nė rritjen e pakėnaqėsive kundrejt shumicės dhe do tė kėrcnon distancimin e tyre nga proceset politike.
Me kėto apele qė po hasin nė vesh tė shurdhėr, intelektualėt janė tė vendosur tė kėrkojnė zgjidhje brenda ligjeve vendore dhe ndėrkombėtare, zgjidhja mė e arsyeshme pėr problemet me tė cilat ballafaqohen sot shqiptarėt ėshtė t'u jap atyre fuqi tė plotė pushteti pėr t'u kujdesur ata pėr nevojat e veta, qė do tė nėnkuptonte decentralizimin e Podgoricės dhe formimin e komunės sė ndarė, qė do tė plotėsonte, do tė pėrshtaste mė sė miri dhe do tė rregullonte dukshėm ēėshtjet qė preokupojnė shqiptarėt. Propozimi i Malit tė Zi vitin e kaluar nė projektligjin pėr kryeqytetin, qė sugjeron qė Tuzi tė mbetet nėn njėsi e Podgoricės, me tė madhe ėshtė konsideruar si projekt i disejnuar qė pėrkohėsisht tė "qetėsojė" shqiptarėt lokalė, derisa tė kalojė referendumi. Efekti i kundėrt i kėsaj ndėrmarrjeje ka shkaktuar skepticizėm te shqiptarėt pėr motivet e Podgoricės, dhe si rezultat i kėsaj ka dekurajuar shqiptarėt nga proceset gjithėpėrfshirėse vendimarrėse, qė do tė jenė dėshtuese pėr partinė nė mazhorancė nė ditėt e mbetura deri nė referendum.
Njėkohėsisht, Mali i Zi duhet tė kuptojė qė nėse dėshiron t'i tejkalojė me sukses kėto diversitete nė shoqėri ėshtė qė tė zvoglojė kontrollin nga qendra (Podgorica) dhe tė pėrcaktojė mė shumė kompetenca politike dhe institucionale nė nivel lokal (Malėsi). Struktura konstitucionale ku shqiptarėt kanė veto nė vendimet politike qė prekin ata do tė zbuste disa nga problemet ndėrmjet minoriteteve dhe shumicės. Rėndėsia e decentralizimit kohėt e fundit ka nxjerre nė pah dhe ka fituar nė pėrmbajtje nga negociatat pėr statusin e ardhshėm tė Kosovės, qė do tė varen nga kompetencat lokale me qėllim qė komunitetet tė participojnė mė shumė nė tė gjitha trupat e pushtetit, sidomos nė sektorin legjislativ dhe nė polici. Ministri i Kosovės pėr pushtet lokal Lutfi Haziri deklaroi kohėt e fundit se pushteti lokal ėshte veēori e rėndėsishme e strukturės politike tė shtetit, dhe e drejtė e ligjshme, "do tė jetė ofertė serioze (pėr konrollė tė pushtetit lokal) pėr grupin etnik tė serbėve, kėshtu qė do t'i integrojė dhe do tė bėhet pjesė e procesit dhe shembull nxitės nė nivel tė administratės lokale.
Kjo nėnkupton se ata do tė qeverisin nė nivel lokal, do tė organizojnė shėrbimet dhe do tė rregullojnė mėnyrėn e jetės". Nė Maqedoni, konflikti qė gati futi vendin nė luftė tė pėrgjithshme civile, ktheu drejtimin nėn konditat qė pakica shqiptare tė zgjerojė pushtetin (tė marrė kompetenca mė tė mėdha) nė vendet ku ata janė tė pėrqėndruar si shumicė, kėshtu qė bashkitė e Maqedonisė ishin ristrukturuar falė bashkėpunimit nė ndėrtimin e marrėdhėnieve ndėretnike. Kėto angazhime rajonale demonstrojnė qartė kahjen e komunitetit ndėrkombėtarė nė ndėrmarrjen e masave pėr mirėvajtjen e tranzicionit tė pushtetit paqesisht, qė do tė shėrbenin si ndihmesė situatės sė ndėrlikuar nė Malėsi ku me vėmendje pėrcillen zhvillimet nė rajon qė ishin mė heret tė kapluara nga lufta etnike.
Nė Mal tė Zi, politikat e bashkive janė bėrė ashtu qė tė jenė sa mė tė ndėrlikuara saqė edhe specialisti bashkiak ėshtė nė dilemė se si t'i pėrshkruajė ato. Shumica e bashkive nė Mal tė Zi janė konsiderueshėm tė mėdha dhe disproporcionale kur tė krahasohen me kombet tjera Evropiane, ku ėshtė bėrė rangimi i banorėve nga 2,947 nė bashkinė e Savnikut deri nė 169,132 nė Podgoricė. Sipas regjistrimit tė vitit 2003 pėrbėrja etnike shqiptarėve nė Mal tė Zi ishte 47,682 (7.09%) ndėrsa nė bashkinė e Podgoricės ishin 12,951, afėrsisht aq sa jetojnė nė rajonin e Malėsisė. Shqiptarėt nuk e shohin ēėshtjen e decentralizimit si interes vetėm tė vetin, por si nevojė kruciale pėr tė gjitha grupacionet etnike, dhe pėrgjithėsisht pėr demokratizimin e Malit tė Zi dhe aftėsinė e mbrojtjes sė tė drejtave institucionale tė shqiptarėve. Megjithė apelet e tyre pėr bashki, shqiptarėt e kanė tė qartė dhe nuk imagjinojnė veten si entitet tė pavarur por dėshirojnė tė jenė pjesė e Malit tė Zi, ku pėrfaqėsimi i tė gjitha grupeve nė tė gjitha nivelet e pushtetit dhe tė administratės publike ėshtė thelbi i ēfarėdo marrėveshjeje tė ndarjes sė pushtetit, qė ėshtė aspekt esencial pėr garantimin e tė drejtavė tė tyre si minoritet.
Duke praktikuar lirinė pėrmes participimit nė ēėshtjet publike ėshtė shumė e rėndėsishme, sepse ua shton njerėzve interesimin personal pėr tė menduar pėr tė tjerėt nė shoqėri. Vetėqeverisja lokale detyron njerėzit tė veprojnė sė bashku dhe tė ndiejnė varėsin e njėrit pėr tjetrin. Kėto kėrkesa bien nėn sferėn e ligjeve evropiane tė disejnuara veēanėrisht pėr tė mbrojtur minoritetet etnike. Kapitulli evropian pėr vetėqeverisjen lokale, nėnshkrues i sė cilės ėshtė Mali i Zi, definon qartė ligjet qė rregullojnė kushtet dhe procedurat pėr formimin, abolimin dhe integrim te bashkive. Duke vlerėsuar kėto kushtėzime, ėshtė e qartė qė Malėsia plotėson tė gjitha kriteret e nevojshme pėr t'u klasifikuar nė komunė tė ndarė.
Si pikėnisje ėshtė zhvillimi historik dhe tradita, qė mund tė arrihet atėherė kur komuniteti lokal (nė kėtė rast Malėsia) tė deklarojė vullnetin e saj tė lirė. Sipas Kushtetutės sė Malit tė Zi dhe ligjeve evropiane qė u atribohen vetėqeverisjes lokale, "Bashkia pėrfaqėson entitetin e integruar gjeografikisht dhe ekonomikisht, pėr popullatėn lokale, gravitimin e tyre nga qendra, kushtet zhvillimore dhe ekologjike tė vėndit dhe pėr realizimin e pėrbashkėt tė nevojave personale." Duke vėshtruar problemin nga ky kontekst ėshtė enigmatike pse Malėsia ka mbetur pa bashki kaq gjatė. Sidoqoftė shumica e analistėve urban duke pėrfshirė edhe veten do tė argumentojmė qė institucionet e pushtetit lokal do tė ndihmonin tė zgjidhen vetėm disa nga problemet me tė cilat pėrballen shqiptarėt nė Malėsi, dhe shumė analistė tė jashtėm nxjerrin nė pah ndėrlikueshmėrit e thella qė ekzistojnė nė shoqėri qė janė pėrtej kompetencave tė komunės.
Shqiptarėt nuk duhet tė gėnjehen se komuna do t'ua zgjedhė tė gjitha problemet. Nė Komuėn e Ulqinit, ku shqiptarėt pėrbejne 85% tė popullėsisė, kryetari i policisė dhe gjygjtari kryesor i gjykatės lokale, kurrė nuk kanė qenė shqiptarė. Komuna do tė ishte e mirėseardhur si koncept pėr tė tejkaluar vėshtirėsitė e ndryshme me tė cilat do tė pėrballen nė nivel lokal, dhe jo si zgjidhje pėrfundimtare pėr problemet e tyre. Rrezikshmėria qė paraqitet ėshtė thikė me dy tehe: E para, ėshtė nė natyrėn e negociatave qė Podgorica mund t'i shpie mė tutje. Elita politike e Podgoricės duhet tė pėrmbahet nga pėrdorimi i garancioneve pėr komunėn si "dhe tė gjitha" pazarllėqet me patate tė skuqura, nė vendėse tė kuptojė problemin e shqiptarėve si problem edhe malazez. Izolimi i Malėsisė vetėm do tė ēon nė rritjen e pabarazive nė zhvillimin ekonomik, politik dhe social. E dyta, hallet e mėdha me tė cilin pėrballen shqiptarėt pa mėdyshje mund t'i zgjidhė komuna, edhe ato brenda enklavave tė komunitetit.
Sė pari, krizat e mėdha me tė cilat pėrballen shqiptarėt nuk ėshtė vetėm kundėrshtimi i Podgoricės pėr t'u dhėnė atyre kontroll mė tė madhe pėr ēėshtjet e tyre sociopolitike via-komunė; nė fakt gjendja e tyre e padurueshme ėshtė hallkė zingjirore pėr mospajtimet e ashpra qė ekzistojnė brenda komunitetit shqiptar. Kur tė vlerėsohet trajtimi i shqiptarėve nė komunitetet pėrgjatė Ballkanit, shqiptarėt e Malėsisė kanė qenė mė pak tė diskriminuar dhe si rezultat ata kurrė nuk janė konsideruar si problem i nxehtė qė sfidon status quo-n. Pos mungesės sė zgjimit kombėtar tė shqiptarėve nė Mal tė Zi , pėrēarjet kanė vazhduar tė krijojnė ndarje tė theksuara nė mes tyre, nė njėrėn anė, i atyre qė insistojnė qė tė mos prishet status quo-ja dhe i atyre, qė kuptojnė se status-quo-ja ėshtė strategji vendimtare qė do ta fshijė tėrė popullatėn, nga asimilimi i detyrueshėm dhe emigrimi. Sesa janė kėto pretendime korrekte ose jo, dhe cila ėshtė e vėrteta, megjithėse disa nga mendjet mė tė talentuara shqiptare nga Malėsia kanė zgjedhur tė fokusojnė forcat e tyre intelektuale nė favor tė kauzės malazeze, ku ata ishin tė evidentuar pėr mbėshtejen e politikės qė pengonte zhvillimin nė shumė vėnde ku ata ishin arsimuar.
Podgorica ka shpėrblyer me konsistencė kėta simpatizues duke i emėruar nė pozita tė larta tė pushtetit, praktikė qė tingllon shumė e afėrt kur tė mendojmė prapa nė ditėt e pushtetit Otoman. Ata intelektualė qė kanė refuzuar tė rekrutohen brenda qarkut korruptiv janė pėrpjekur tė ndėrmarrin inciativa pėr tė ndryshuar gjendjen pėrbrenda, ose tė emigrojnė jashtė, qė si pasojė, kurrė mė nuk janė kthyerė. Pyetja qė deri mė tani shpesh konsiderohej si e vėrtetė duhet tė rishikohet "Ēka do tė thotė tė jesh shqiptar?" Por, duke kėrkuar pėrgjigjen nė kėtė pyetje mund tė prodhohen efekte shqetėsuese sepse kur tė zgjohet pėrfundimisht vetėdija shqiptare, do tė tromaksen kur tė kuptojnė ēka do tė thotė tė jesh shqiptar nė Malėsi, qė pėr habi kanė marrė nuanca sllave.
Sė dyti shqiptarėt duhet tė kuptojnė se bindjet false tė bashkangjitura mendimit popullor se pavarėsia e Malit tė Zi do tė pėrmirėsojė statusin e tyre socio-ekonomik dhe politik ėshtė keqkuptim. Me ose pa Serbinė, gjendja e shqiptarėve nuk do tė pėrmirėsohet derisa parlamenti malazez tė marrė iniciativa qė propozim draftet tė shqyrtohen seriozisht dhe tė pėrmbledhen nė projektet e disejnuara, ashtu qė tė specifikojnė rolin e gjėrė tė shqiptarėve nė shoqėri. Synimi primar i Gjukanoviqit ėshtė tė siguron pozitėn e tij nė pushtet, dhe tė konsolidojė status quo-n, gjė qė ėshtė interes i tij (mė i mirė), nė atė mėnyrė qė mos tė rrezikohet mbajtja e republikės nėn sqetull, nga partia e tij. Duhet tė kuptohet qė ēėshtja e referendumit nuk do tė pėrshpejton me urgjencė vullnetin e popullit, por vullnetin e liderėve politik tė Malit tė Zi tė udhėhequr nga Gjukanoviqi, i cili megjithatė tenton tė prolongon pushtetin e tij tė pakufizuar pėrmes deklarimit tė vullnetit tė popullit.
Fushata e tij pėr pavarėsi pėrqėndrohet nė shpresėn se komuniteti ndėrkombėtar do tė pranojė Malin e Zi nė familjen e demokracisė perėndimore pasi qė tė kryen ndarjen nga Serbia dhe nga gabzheri i pėrbashkėt nė tė kaluarėn. Ky ėshtė i njeti mentalitet qė ai po e pėrdore pėr manipulimin e votės shqiptare pėr referendum, duke premtuar prėmtime te njejta qė ai u premtoj gjate votimit presidenciale tė vitit 1997, ku votat shqiptare ishin determinues pėr fitmin e tij kunder Bullativiqit, me c'rast 5000 vota ishin pėrcaktuese pėr presidentin e ri tė Malit tė Zi. Gjithashtu, shqiptarėt janė tė mis-reprezentuem nė cdo sfer tė punsimit publik, ku simbas Deėgs sė Helsinkit Pėr tė Drejtat e njeriut nė Serbi, " vetėm 0,03%-0,05% tė shqiptarve janė tė punsur nė sektorin publik nė Mal tė Zi." Cka Bashkėsija Ndėrkombetare duhet tė marrė parasysh, se ende nė Mal tė Zi nuk ėshtė inicuar ndo njė program qė do tė pėrmisoj reprezentimin disproporcional tė shqiptarve nė sektorin publik; edhe pse, Kushtetuta e Malit tė Zi qart e thekson se minoritetet duhet tė jen tė punsuar nė sektorin publik ne proporcion me pėrberjen e popullsis sė vendit.
Sė treti institucionet ekzistuese duhet tė moderohen pėr tė vepruar brenda kornizės sė Republikės Federale si dhe nė bazė tė udhėzimeve Evropiane. Njė ndėr disparitetet, qė dallohen me tė madhe, nė institucionet e Malit tė Zi ėshtė mungesa e pėrfaqėsuesve tė minoriteteve nė polici, gjyqėsi, administratė, nė media-mjetet e informimit dhe nė akademi. Njė ndėr anekdotat kyēe qė Mali i Zi duhet tė implementojė ėshtė si tė zgjidhė kushtet e vėshtira sociale dhe raportet etnike qė janė vazhdimisht nė rrezik nga dridhjet qė mund tė dalin jasht kontrollit. Komuniteti shqiptar duhet tė njoftohet me programin e punės me qytetarė dhe me obligimet e tyre ligjore ashtu qė qytetarėt nė nivel lokal tė mund tė marrin pjesė (tė participojnė) nė sistemin e tė drejtės penale dhe tė mos bien viktimė tė mosnjohjes.
Mediat e dala shqiptare duhet tė zgjėrohen jashtė lokaliteteve shqiptare tė vėshtrimit nė orvatje pėr tė ilustruar diversitetin kulturor pėr ata qė nuk njohin traditėn dhe veēoritė e kulturės shqiptare, projekt qė do tė rivendoste pėrceptimet negative tė publikut shumicė qė janė zakonisht tė shoqėruara me injorancė dhe ndėrprerje tė kontakteve. Programet akademike nė nivel universitar qė stimulojnė studimet e kulturės shqiptare duke ofruar kredi pėr kurse, do tė jepnin njė kontribut tė fuqishėm pėr udhėheqėsit e ardhshėm qė tė njihen me historinė dhe dallueshmėritė e grupit mė tė madh etnik minoritar nė shoqėri. Realiteti ėshtė se shqiptarėt nuk po lėvizin tjetėrkah, dhe prezenenca e vazhdueshme e tyre si dhe kontributi nė tė gjitha sferat e shoqėrisė meriton respekt.
Sė katėrti rreziku mė i madhė qė karakterizon qeverinė malazeze ėshtė korrupsioni individual i zyrtarėve qė janė nė funksione dhe i atyre nė agjensi qeveritare. Le tė mos harrojmė se shkas qė Jugosllavia hyri nė shumė konflikte gjatė historisė ishte identiteti-baza qė manipulohej nga politikanėt cinikė, qė pretendonin tė arrinin pėrfundimet vetiake (tyre). Deri mė tash luftėrat e pėrgjakshme me tėrė egėrsinė nė Bosnjė qė u pėrsėritėn nė Kosovė u ndezėn nga politikanėt si Millosheviqi, i cili pretendonte tė rriste pushtetin personal. Sot, kėto kujtime janė vėshtirė tė fshihen nga kujtesa ngase ideologjitė e regjimeve tė vjetra janė ende tė freskėta dhe funksionojnė nėn maskėn e tė ashtuquajturit tranzicion "demokratik" tė Gjukanoviqit, ideologji e keqtrajtimit qė pėr njė kohė tė gjatė ka mashtruar komunitetin ndėrkombėtar me paramendimin se status quo-ja nuk e kėrcėnon paqen dhe sigurinė nė rajon. Kjo ėshtė bėrė pėr arsye qė minoritetet tė jenė tė kujdesshme tė pranojnė ēdo ndryshim qė nuk i pėrfshin ata si pjesėmarrės aktiv nė sistemin politik. Me pėrmbajtjen e minoriteteve pėr pjesėmarrje nė sferat e veprimtarisė sė pushtetit, rreziku pėr pėrmbysje sociale dhe politike ėshtė i shquar eminent.
Nė anėn tjetėr fundi i kėtij kazani politik ekziston mė shumė si aspekt enigmatik i korrupsionit qė bile ėshtė vėshtirė tė pėrfshihet nga standardet demokratike perėndimore. Shumica e ankesave tė shqiptarėve kanė mbetur tė pa regjistruara nga pėrfaqėsuesit e zgjedhur politikė qė pėrfaqėsojnė interesat e tyre, mė i dalluari pėr tė keq ėshtė edhe kryetar i partisė politike shqiptare, Ferhat Dinosha. Qė nga nisma demokratike, fakti qė Dinosha ėshtė zgjedhur nė zyrė nga populli ėshtė tregues se ai meriton tė pėrfaqėsojė zgjedhėsitė, realiteti nuk mund tė mohohet. Nėse ai shmanget nga vullneti i elektoratit dhe legjislon nė kahje qė nuk pėrfillė pėlqimin (miratimin) e zgjedhėsve, rregulla mė e paraparė logjike nga teoria demokratike ėshtė tė largohet nga zyra nė ciklin e ardhshėm elektoral. Pėr tė argumentuar diē mė tepėr qė kundėrshton kėtė, ėshtė e padobishme - e pavlefshme ngase ai cenon besimin popullor, qė politikani i zgjedhur mund tė nxjerr ligje kundėr vullnetit tė po atyre njerėzve qė e kanė vendosur atė nė zyrė. Problemi qė ngritet ėshtė ku tė gjindet kandidati kompetent qė do tė fitonte legjitimitetin me miratimin e popullit dhe tė gjeneron vota tė mjaftueshme pėr tė mposhtur parodinė e Dinoshės dhe Gjukanoviqit.
Tash qė Dinosha ka nxjerrė nė shesh dobėsitė para shqiptarėve dhe malazezėve, njėjtė, qėndrimi i tij i mėtejmė do tė shtėrngonte ēdo pėrpjekje pėr tė lėvizur pėrpara qysh kur legjitimiteti i tij ėshtė moleps pėrgjithmonė. Nėse zgjedhjet e ardhshme dėshtojnė pėr ta pėrmbysur kėtė figurė kontraverse, atėherė ngjanė se Malėsia ėshtė hargjuar nga kandidatėt e aftė tė cilėt pėrfaqėsojnė me sukses vullnetin e popullit. Pavarėsisht nga profesioni i ndonjėrit, ėshtė absurd tė besohet qė pėr tė legjislatuar si shqiptarė nė parlamentin qė dominon me shumicė sllave ėshtė diēka e lehtė, por jo tė bėhesh faktorė ndalues, dhe dhėnia e vetėm njė vote nė parlament mund tė jetė vitale pėr tė pėrcaktuar "kush merr ēka, kur dhe si" pėrndryshe Gjukanoviqi nuk do ta lobonte Dinoshėn pėr votėn e tij sa herė qė legjislacioni njoftohet se mund tė shkaktojė reaksion kundėrshtues nė Malėsi. Nė kėtė kontekst, ėshtė e rėndėsishme pėr Gjukanoviqin tė sigurojė "Votėn e Malėsisė" ashtu qė ai mund tė mbrojė ēdo legjislacion kontraverz si tė pranueshėm pas aprovimit politik tė pėrfaqėsuesit tė zgjedhur nga Malėsia. Sa mė gjatė qė Dinosha vazhdon tė vesh dorėzat qė e mbajnė atė "ngrohtė", dora gjithnjė do tė lėvizė nė atė drejtim qė e dirigjon doreza.
Pėrfundimisht, ligji ndėrkombėtar nuk preferon situatėn e tanishme tė shqiptarėve nė Mal tė Zi. Pėr deri sa pamundėson gjasat pėr gjenocid, pastrim etnik ose taktikė represive nga ana e shtetit, drejtėsia ndėrkombėtare dhe evropiane do tė dėgjojė avash sfidat pėr tė cilat besohet se duhet tė mbahen nė nivel lokal. Kėshilli i Evropės mė 1995 nė Kornizėn Konvencionale pėr Mbrojtjen e Minoriteteve Nacionale, nė pajtim me standardet e OSCE, po i vėnė kushte vendit pėr t'iu "bashkuar perėndimit", dhe veēanėrisht pėr t'iu bashkangjitur Unionit Evropian. Megjithatė janė larg bisedimet pėr atė se ēka duhet tė pėrmbajnė kėto standarde. Eshtė e padiskutueshme, qė medoemos duhet tė zgjidhen kėrkesat qė kanė tė bėjnė me territorin dhe vetėqeverisjen, apo pėrcaktimin zyrtar tė gjuhės. Mali i Zi ka deklaruar se do t'i rrespekton plotėsisht kėto standarde, por ende po vazhdon tė centralizon pushtetin nė atė mėnyrė qė tė gjitha vendimet po merren nė forume dhe po kontrollohen nga grupi nacional dominant. Ēka shqetėson mė sė tepėrmi ėshtė se Mali i Zi ka organizuar gjithashtu arsimimin e lartė, akreditimin profesional, dhe zyrat politike nė atė mėnyrė qė pjesėtarėve tė minoriteteve ua ka imponuar asimilimin linguistik pėr tė arritur sukses profesional dhe fuqi politike. Shkurtazi kėto norma legale nuk po u adresohen pėrplasjeve ndėrmjet kėrkesave pėr vetėqeverisje tė minoriteteve dhe tė centralizimit politik tė shtetit qė para sė gjithash gjeneronte destabilizim dhe konflikte ndėretnike. Pėr kėto arsye perspektiva pėr ndryshime ka gjasa tė japė rezultate (1) duke shfrytėzuar rrugėt (kanalet) lokale politike pėrmes tė cilave parashtrohen dhe zgjidhen ankesat nė atė mėnyrė qė tė pamundėsohet diskriminimi i grupeve nė baza etnike dhe religjioze, ose (2) organizimi kolektiv i komuniteteve t'i bėjė publike ankesat pėrmes protestave, tubimeve tė gjėra, mitingjeve e tė tjera.
Ngaqė kultura shqiptare po ngulmon pėr ndėrrime duket se po jep shenja pozitive, gjendja shoqėrore nė Malėsi pasqyrohet me tė arritura nga aksionet e pėrbashkėta. Demonstratat qė u organizuan nė Tuz tetorin e kaluar nuk befasuan askend, dhe paralajmėruan Podgoricėn qė ēėshtja shqiptare ka nevojė pėr shqyrtim tė menjėhershėm. Nė arterie tė njėjta diaspora shqiptare organizojė demonstratat e veta nė stil madhėshtor nė Detroit dhe Washington DC. Asociacioni shqiptaro-amerikan nė Detroit, organizata mė e madhe dhe mė ngulmuese nė SHBA qė merret nė mėnyrė specifike me ēėshtjet e pazgjidhura tė tė drejtave tė shqiptarėve nė Mal tė Zi, ėshtė konceptuar ashtu qė si synim ka ndricimin e pabarazisė dhe shqetėsimeve pėr tė drejtat tė njeriut, politikė qė po vazhdon tė zbatohet nga elita politike e Malit tė Zi. Suksesi i arritur ka zgjuar interesim te njė numėr i madh i zyrtarėve amerikanė dhe organizatave jo qeveritare, tė cilėt kanė filluar tė kuptojnė se pavarėsia e Malit tė Zi nuk shqipėron patjetėr Malin e Zi demokratik. Me referendumin qė po afrohet shpejt, shqiptarėt nė Malėsi po shprehin vullnetin e mirė edhe njėherė pėrmes peticionit dėrguar qeverisė nė pėrpjekje pėr tė ngehur zėrin pėr ankesat e tyre pėrtej nivelit lokal.
Nė anėn tjetėr mos tė na shesin mend, Mali i Zi nuk ėshtė Kosovė-ku vaji ironizues ėshtė pėrcaktues i qartė pėr komunitetin ndėrkombėtar. Asgjė mė pak, se ē'po ndodhė sot nė Malėsi po merr konotacione tė ngjashme me atė qė ėshtė luajtur nė vitet 1990-ta. Represioni social ekonomik, politik dhe qytetar ka arritur pikėn e vlimit nė Malėsi ku qytetarėt janė detyruar tė braktisin vendlindjen e lashtė pėr njė jetė mė tė mirė jashtė. Nuk duhet tė ketė mėdyshje mė pra pse ka shqiptarė mė shumė qė jetojnė nė Detroit se sa qė janė nė tėrė Malin e Zi. Kjo formė "burokratike e pastrimit etnik" ka ndėrruar nė mėnyrė drastike pėrbėrjen (kompozicionin) e shqiptarėve, ku vendet me dendėsi mė tė madhe tė popullimit siē janė Koja dhe Trieshi janė njėmend tė zbrazura. Katandisjet afatgjata kanė paguar tagrin, Malėsia e Madhe qė ishte e ngopur me shqiptarė dhe rajonet e Grudės, Hotit, Trieshit, Kojės dhe Luharit tash kontestohen nga Mali i Zi kinse ato pėrbėhen vetėm nga Gruda dhe Hoti, qė ėshtė konstatim i rrezikshėm qė ka xhindosur shumė shqiptarė. Ēdo pėrpjekje pėr tė ndarė vendet historike tė shqiptarėve nėn ēfarėdo rrethane administrative ose gjeografike kėrcnon tė fundosė ēfarėdo negociate tė arsyeshme ndėrmjet Podgoricės dhe Malėsisė.
Si element shtojcė i kėtij argumenti ėshtė shqetėsimi pėr manipulimet me refugjatėt e luftės. Duke u bazuar nė tė dhėnat e komisionerit tė lartė pėr refugjatė, ishin 28,493 persona tė zhvendosur nė Mal tė Zi, gusht 2004. Jashtė kėtij numri 4,400 janė rom; 6,483 serb; dhe 4,074 musliman. UNCHR gjithashtu ka shpallė se pėrafėrsisht 50,000 jetojnė pėrgjatė Serbisė dhe Malit tė Zi qė zyrtarisht nuk janė regjistruar dhe qė duhet t'i shtohen numrit tė mėsipėrm. Njė numėr i madh i kėtyre personave tė zhvendosur kanė kaluar nė Malėsi dhe janė vendosur ne rajonin e Konikut dhe Vranjes duke u ndihmuar tashpėrtash financiarisht nga qeveria malazeze. Kėta kolonė, tė shumtėn musliman tė Bosnjės, kanė destabilizuar kompzicionin etnik nė mėnyrė domethėnėse ku komuniteti shqiptar po rrezikohet tė bie nėn kufirin e shumicės. Nėn kėto kushte, banorėt historik shqiptarė janė tė rrezikuar qė tė humbin tė drejtėn e pronėsisė nga pjestarėt e grupacioneve tė jashtme. Ēdo shqyrtim pėr tė ardhmen e Malėsisė duhet tė inkorporojė pyetjen si tė arrihet ujdia me personat e zhvendosur.
Historia e Ballkanit ka demonstruar qartė se kur minoritetet ndihen pa pushtet dhe lihen anash strukturės shoqėrore tė ndarjes sė pushtetit, ato do tė pėrpiqen tė pėrfitojnė autonominė lokale shpėrthejnė nė pėrpjekjet pėr ta ndėrruar statusin e minoritetit nė mazhorancė (shumicė). Si konsekuencė, sa mė gjatė qė minoritetet tė ndihen tė lėna (tė papėrfshira), aq mė tė fuqishme do tė bėhen aspiratat e tyre. Kėto precizojnė brengosjet dhe po shaktojnė shqetėsim nė vazhdimėsi pėr observuesit ndėrkombėtarė dhe dijetarėt tė cilėt pėrpiqen tė gjejnė zgjidhje se si tė veprohet me qeveritė qė janė bastione tė represionit. Mali i Zi nuk ėshtė pėrjashtim. Shumė nga ēėshtjet tė cilat janė tė komentuara kėtu janė bėrė subjekt i studimeve shkencore dhe kanė filluar tė krijojnė hapėsirė nė shumė konferenca ndėrkombėtarė pėrreth globit.
Studimi pėr gjendjen e shqiptarėve nė Mal tė Zi ėshtė prezentuar nė konferencėn e parė globale nė Stamboll, Turqi, nė kuadėr tė sė cilės ėshtė mbajur sesioni i veēantė pėr minoritetet ku ėshtė pėrfshirė referati shkencor i titulluar, "Integrimi politik i minoritetit shqiptar nė Malin e Zi post-komunist". Me prirje tė ngjashėme, disa nga temat e prezentuara nė kėtė koment do tė pėrgatiten pėr kongresin e ardhshėm tė 20-tė botėror nė Fokuoka, Japoni, nė referatin e titulluar, "Dėshtimi pėr tė plotėsuar kėrkesat Evropiane nė tė drejtat e minoriteteve: Rasti i shqiptarėve tė Malit tė Zi. Hulumtimi ekzaminon politikėn e Malit tė Zi ndaj minoritetit shqiptar dhe prekė nė tri ēėshtje kyēe qė do tė ishin vitale pėr vlerėsimin e progresit nė drejtim tė integrimit Evropian: (1) roli i elitave politike, partive dhe institucioneve, (2) infrastruktura politike: decentralizimi dhe pushteti lokal, dhe (3) influenca e nacionalizmit dhe etniciteti nė pėrfaqėsimin politik.
Por studimi akademik nė kėtė fushė ėshtė vetėm njė nismė qė ndihmon pėr tė kuptuar problemet mjaft ekzagjeruese qė janė prezente nė shoqėri, nuk jipen zgjidhje tė qarta-prerazi. Hapi i parė, i ngjashėm, pėr shqiptarėt dhe malazezėt ėshtė tė pajtohen se cilat janė problemet ekzistuese (ku disa prej tyre janė tė pėrmbledhura dhe janė nė lidhshmėri), mė pastaj duhet tė mirret vendimi si tė trajtohen (zgjidhen) ato. Aq mė pak, nėse shqiptarėt nuk shiqojnė sy nė sy atėherė shkeljet siē ėshtė e drejta pėr tė pėrdorur gjuhėn nė gjykata dhe administratė lokale; formimi i shkollave pėr minoritete, universiteti, klinikat mjekėsore, dhe mediat; zgjėrimi i vetėqeverisjes lokale dhe rajonale; garantimi i pėrfaqėsimit legjitim politik; dhe ndėrprerja e politikės sė kolonizimit e disejnuar pėr tė pėrmbytur minoritetet nga vendbanimet e tyre historike me kolonė, nga grupi dominant, nuk ėshtė arsye qė mjafton qė ata tė ngriten dhe tė kėrkojnė mbrojtje, atėherė ky autor vlerėson qė asimilimi ka arritur qėllimin maksimal (pėrfundimtar), dhe Malėsia e Madhe nė veri tė kufirit shqiptar ėshtė shuar. Nėse Mali i Zi nuk i merr parasysh pasojat e kėtij evolucioni tė dėmshėm pėr tė ardhmen, atėherė nuk kanė mėsuar asgjė nga historia, dhe ajo do tė vazhdojė tė pėrsėritet vetvetiu me pėrmasa shumė mė tė thella dhe katastrofike.
--- ENGLISH ---
The Content of Montenegros Future Status Will Depend From the Approach of Majority Towards Minorities
"Standards Before Referendum"
Commentary by Viktor N. IVEZAJ
Department of Political Science
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan USA
29 March 2006
If history has taught us anything over the past fifteen years, we now know that if a state wants to hold its entire society together, the majority must acknowledge the right of minorities to be treated equally both as individuals and as communities. These lessons have demonstrated that effective representation of minorities on all levels of decision-making, the existence of b self-governments with minority representatives or special minority self-governments, and even power-sharing within the institutional state structure, will improve the deficiencies of democratic, multiethnic states. Throughout Eastern Europe, the new wave of democratic transition is coming to mean the acceptance of the majoritys decisions by the minority, a now popular concept gaining momentum throughout the European Union and suddenly making its presence felt in the former communist states of Eastern Europe, including Montenegro.
Developments in Montenegro have triggered discussions as to whether the country is prepared to ride this wave of democracy and shed away its turbulent past. The focal point of these debates have largely centered on the fate of the Belgrade Agreement (which recently celebrated its third birthday) and whether it should be sustained or dissolved. Contrary to Serbias pro-union aspirations, Montenegro is campaigning heavily to break the bitter marriage and pursue independence as the only remedy for political and economic success, a unilateral move that has drawn criticism from EU officials, opposition parties in parliament, and multi-ethnic groups throughout this tiny republic. Although success will largely depend on Montenegros capacity to strengthen and manage its economic and governing institutions, including its community development, and local governance, it will also require observance to the growing demands of its multiethnic citizenry to be incorporated into its political, economic, social and civic processes. To declare that Montenegro has realized these objectives would be an exaggeration, to say the least. In fact, nowhere else has it failed more miserably in its sociopolitical reforms than its handling of minority rights, and without exception the Albanians in the southern region of Malėsia e Madhe continue to be victims of neglect, disenfranchisement, and assimilation.
Without dedicating much thought into its dissipating inter-ethnic relations, and consequences that may arise thereof, Montenegros political elites have decided to ignore the warning signs from the agitated opposition and rush for a referendum while blindly assuming that all of its domestic tribulations will be swept under the rug. One of the most surprising moves has been the reluctance from Podgoricas politicians to step back and assess its handling of Albanian affairs before it continues in what it falsely believes to be a pacified situation with its largest ethnic group. Although the outcome of the referendum will draw much dispute from the large Serbian and Bosniak communities, it is also worth noting that failure to also appease the demands of its multi-ethnic citizenry preludes a much-feared consequence that has the international community fearing the worst: a disputed outcome that may trigger a movement to split the country geographically along ethnic lines.
The remedies to prevent this from happening were carefully outlined in Vienna, but the Solana and Lajcak proposal that suggests the country be allowed to secede from the federation if 55 percent of voters choose independence and 50 percent of the people entitled to vote take part in the vote is primarily designed to maintain the marriage between Montenegro and Serbia, given that it is nearly impossible for this divided country to muster enough votes away from the opposition. But the logistics of the referendum are only part of Montenegros growing pains. In addition to the politics being played out in Podgorica, a growing concern is developing south of the capital where a disenfranchised Albanian minority is seeking alternatives to the failed sociopolitical and economic policies that have for so long stagnated their development and continues to threaten their very existence.
In the Albanian community in and around Tuz, or Malėsia e Madhe, a substantial level of political and administrative decentralization will be a decisive component in reassuring the nearly 13,000 Albanians that they have a place in Montenegros future, regardless if the referendum passes or fails. The lack of responsiveness to Albanian demands for an urban restructuring plan where Malėsia would be recognized as a distinct municipality has drawn sharp criticism from Albanian political elites in Tuz where countless demands have been submitted calling for reforms in education, employment, healthcare, housing and criminal justice. Albanian elites and political representatives have warned Podgorica that their reluctance to address these demands will contribute to the growing discontent towards the majority and threaten to alienate them from the political process.
With these appeals entering deaf ears, intellectuals have decided that under the decrees of international and domestic laws, the most feasible solution to the problems facing Albanians today is to empower local citizens to handle their own affairs, which means decentralizing Podgorica and creating a separate commune that would be better suited to handle the most salient issues pertaining to Albanians. Montenegros proposal of last years Capital City Bill, which suggested that Tuz remain a sub-unit of Podgorica, was largely considered a failed scheme that was designed to temporarily hush local Albanians until the referendum was passed. The adverse effect of this move have caused Albanians to become skeptical of Podgoricas motives, and as a result has discouraged Albanians from involvement in the political decision-making processes, which could be detrimental for the majority party in the days leading to the referendum.
One way that Montenegro can successfully deal with such diversities in its society is by lessening control from the center (Podgorica) and assigning more institutional and political control at the local level (Malėsia). A constitutional structure where Albanians have a veto in policies that affect them most would alleviate some of the problems between majorities and minorities. The significance of decentralization has gained so much attention lately that even the negotiations on the future status of Kosova will depend on empowering local communities to participate more in all bodies of the government, especially the legislative branch and police. Kosovas Minister of Local Government, Lutfi Haziri, announced recently that local government is an important feature of a states political structure, and rightfully asserts, it will be a serious offer [local-government control]
to the Serb ethnic community, so they can integrate and become part of the process and lead on the local administration level.
This means they would govern on the local level and handle the organization of life and services. In Macedonia, the conflict that almost thrust the country into all out civil war was diverted under conditions that the Albanian minority have increased power in areas they occupied as a majority, thus much of Macedonias municipalities were geographically restructured to compliment its ethnic makeup. These regional measures clearly demonstrate the direction the international community is embarking upon in efforts to maintain peaceful transitions of government, which renders the situation in Malėsia perplexing when considering the developments taking place in regions that were once marred by ethnic war.
In Montenegro, the politics of municipalities have been made out to be so complex that even realignment specialists are confused as to how to depict them. Most of the municipalities in Montenegro are considerably large and disproportionate when compared to other European nations, where inhabitants range from 2,947 in the municipality of Savnik to 169,132 in Podgorica. According to the 2003 census the ethnic composition of Albanians in Montenegro was 47,682 (7.09%), and in the Podgorica municipality it was 12,951, nearly all living in the Malėsia region. Albanians do not see the question of decentralization as being purely in the interest of Albanians, but of crucial importance for all ethnic communities, for overall democratization of Montenegro and for efficient institutional minority protection.
Throughout their appeals for a municipality, Albanians have maintained they do not imagine themselves as an "independent entity" but want to be part of a Montenegro where representation of all groups at all levels of public administration and government are at the core of any power-sharing arrangement, which is an essential aspect of their guaranteed rights as a minority.
Exercising freedom through participation in public affairs is extremely important, because it gives people a personal interest in thinking about others in society. Local self-government forces the people to act together and feel their dependence on one another. These demands fall under the sphere of European laws specifically designed to protect ethnic minorities. The European Charter of Local-Self Government, which Montenegro is a signatory, clearly defines the laws regulating conditions and procedures for the foundation, abolition and integration of municipalities. When assessing these requirements, it is clearly obvious that Malėsia meets all the necessary requirements for classification into a separate commune.
The starting point is historical development and tradition, which can be done after a local community [in this case Malėsia] has declared its interest to do so. According to Montenegros Constitution and European laws attributed to local self-government, a municipality represents a geographically and economically integrated entity for the local people, which is reflected in the integration of urban areas, the number of inhabitants, the organization of the services of immediate interests for local people, gravitation towards the center, the development and ecological conditions of the area and other questions important for the citizens of a certain area and for the realization of the mutual interests and needs. By looking at it from this context, it is an enigma why Malėsia has remained without a municipality for so long. However, most urban analysts, and including myself, would argue that local government institutions would help solve only some of the problems facing Albanians in Malėsia, and that a broader analysis reveals deeper complexities that exist in society that are beyond the scope of a commune.
Albanians need not be deceived into thinking that a commune will solve all their problems. In the municipality of Ulqin, where Albanians make up 85% of the population, the head of police and head of the municipal court has never been held by an Albanian. As such, a commune should be welcomed as a means to overcoming the various difficulties facing them at the local level, and not as the ultimate end to their problems. The danger presents itself as a double-edge sword: First, it is under the nature of negotiations that Podgorica may bring forth. Montenegros political elites should refrain from using the granting of a commune as an end all bargaining chip, but instead think of the Albanian problem as a Montenegrin problem. Isolating Malėsia will only contribute to the growing disparities in economic, political and social development. Second, the bigger troubles that face Albanians go beyond anything a commune can solve, and they lie within the enclaves of the community.
First, the bigger crisis facing Albanians in Malėsia is not the reluctance of Podgorica to grant them more control of their sociopolitical affairs via a commune; instead their dire situation is linked with the sharp cleavages that exist inside Albanian communities. When assessing the treatment of Albanians in communities throughout the Balkans, Albanians in Malėsia have been the least discriminated against, and as a result they never considered it a burning issue to challenge the status quo. With the absence of an Albanian national awakening in Montenegro, the cleavages have continued to create sharp divisions between those Albanians, on the one hand, insisting that the status quo not be disrupted and those, on the other, realizing that the status quo is a pre-determined strategy to completely wipe out an entire people by forced assimilation and emigration.
Whether these claims are correct or not, what it is true, however is that some of the most talented Albanian minds from Malėsia have opted to focus their intellectual strengths for the Montenegrin cause, where they have been on record to support policies that have obstructed development in the very places they were nurtured. Podgorica has consistently rewarded these sympathizers by appointing them to high-ranking positions, a practice that sounds all too familiar when thinking back to the days of Ottomans rule. Those intellectuals that have refused to be recruited inside the corruptive circles have decided to either initiate change from within or emigrate abroad and consequently never return. The question that is often taken for granted nowadays is one that needs to be revisited: What does it mean to be Albanian? But seeking the answer to this question may produce disturbing affects because when the Albanian consciousness finally awakens, it will be startled to realize that what it means to be Albanian in Malėsia has suddenly taken Slavic nuances.
Second, Albanians must recognize that false convictions attached to the popular thought that an independent Montenegro will improve their socio-economic and political status are misguiding. With or without Serbia, the Albanian situation will not improve unless the Montenegrin parliament takes the initiative to seriously draft proposals outlining projects designed to specifically expand Albanians role in society. Gjukanovics primary goal is to secure his position of power, and it is within his best interest to maintain the status quo in a way that will not threaten his partys hold of the republic. Keep in mind that the question of the referendum did not materialize as a will of the people, but the will of Montenegrin political leaders led by Gjukanovic, who thus wants to extend his unlimited power with the alleged will of the people.
His campaign for independence centers on the hope that the international community will accept Montenegro into the family of western democracies once it has done away with Serbia and her treacherous past. This is the same rhetoric he is using to lobby Albanians for their votes in the coming referendum, including promises similar to those he made during his re-election bid for president in 1997 where Albanians were decisive in his slim 5,000 vote victory over Bulatovic. Nevertheless, Albanians continued to be underrepresented in all spheres of public employment, where, according to the Helsinki Committee For Human Rights in Serbia, only 0.03%--0.05% of Albanians are employed in state bodies and public services in Montenegro. What the international community needs to realize is that no civic programs have been initiated to alleviate the disproportionate representation of Albanians in the public sector, despite the fact that the Constitution of the Republic of Montenegro clearly specifies that members of minorities should be employed in civil services in proportion with their share in the total population.
Third, existing institutions must be modernized to operate within the framework of the federal republic and under European guidelines. One of the most noticeable disparities in Montenegrin institutions is the lack of minority representation in the police, judiciary, bureaucracy, media and academia. One of the key anecdotes that Montenegro must implement is how to resolve the dismal social conditions and ethnic relations that are always in danger of spinning out of control. Programs in civic leadership and law enforcement need to be introduced in the Albanian community so that citizens at the local level can participate in the criminal justice system and not be a victim of it. Albanian media outlets should be extended outside the Albanian viewing areas in an effort to illustrate the cultural diversity to those unfamiliar with the uniqueness of Albanian culture and tradition, a project that could perhaps replace the majority publics negative perceptions that are usually associated with ignorance and lack of contact. Academic programs at the university level where Albanian cultural studies are offered as a course credit would bly contribute towards familiarizing tomorrows leaders with the history and distinctiveness of the largest minority group in society. The reality is, Albanians are not going anywhere, and their continued presence and contribution in all spheres of society deserves recognition.
Fourth, the most dangerous feature of Montenegros government is the corruption of individual office holders and government agencies. Let us not forget that many of the conflicts Yugoslavia endured in her history were identity-based and manipulated by cynical politicians wishing to reach their own ends. Thus the bloody struggles that raged in Bosnia and then again in Kosova were kindled by politicians like Milosevic who sought to increase their personal power. Today, those memories are difficult to erase because the ideologies of the old regime are still alive and functioning under the guise of Gjukanovics so-called democratic transition, a misguided ideology that has thus far fooled the international community into thinking that the status quo does not threaten peace and security in the region. It is for this reason that minorities are cautious to accept any change that does not include them as active participants in the political system. By suppressing minority participation in spheres of government activity, the risk of social and political upheaval is eminent.
On the other end of this political cauldron exists a much more puzzling aspect of corruption that is even harder to comprehend by western democratic standards. Much of the grievances by Albanians have gone unnoticed by their own elected political representatives, most notorious being the head of the Albanian Political Party, Ferhat Dinosha. From a democratic standpoint, the fact that Dinosha was popularly elected into office demonstrates that he deservingly represents his constituency, a reality that cannot be denied. If he deviates from the will of the electorate and legislates in a way that undermines his constituents consent, the most logical remedy provided by democratic theory is to remove him from office via the next electoral cycle. To argue anything contrary to this is useless because it defies popular belief that an elected politician can legislate against the wishes of the very same people that put him in office. The problem that also arises is where to find competent candidates that would (legitimately) win the consent of the people and generate enough votes to pull ahead of the Dinosha and Gjukanovic charade.
Now that Dinosha has revealed his vulnerability to Albanians and Montenegrins alike, his continued stay will only strangle any attempt for Malėsia to move forward since his legitimacy has forever been tainted. If the coming elections fail to upend this controversial figure, then Malėsia seems to have been depleted of candidates capable enough to successfully represent the will of the people. Regardless of ones profession, it is absurd to believe that legislating as an Albanian in a Slav-dominant parliament is anything but easy, but that should not be a deterring factor given that even one vote in parliament can be so vital that it can determine who gets what, when, and how; otherwise Gjukanovic would not lobby Dinosha for his vote each time legislation is introduced that might cause an adverse reaction in Malėsia. In this context, it is important for Gjukanovic to secure the Malėsia vote so that he can defend any controversial legislation as an agreed upon policy accepted by Malėsias duly elected representative. As long as Dinosha continues to wear the glove that keeps him warm, the hand will always move in the direction the glove wants it to.
Finally, international law does not favor the current condition of Albanians in Montenegro. Unless for the improbable chance of genocide, ethnic cleansing or massive repressive tactics from the state, international and European law will be slow to hear challenges that it believes should be handled at the local level. The Council of Europe in its 1995 Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, in compliance with the OSCE standards, became a requirement for a country to join the West, and in particular to join the European Union. However, there has been far less agreement about what exactly these standards should be. There is no debate of how to resolve claims relating to territory and self-government or how to allocate official language status. Montenegro has claimed that it fully respects these standards, but yet continues to centralize power in such a way that all decisions are made in forums controlled by the dominant national group. What is more disturbing is that Montenegro has also prearranged higher education, professional accreditation, and political offices so that members of minority groups must linguistically assimilate in order to attain professional success and political influence.
Hence, these legal norms do not address the clash between minority self-government claims and centralizing state policies that generated the destabilizing ethnic conflicts in the first place. For these reasons the prospects for change are more likely to achieve an effect by either (1) utilizing local political channels where grievances are received and resolved in a manner that does not discriminate on the basis of an ethnic and/or religious group, or (2) collectively organizing the community to publicize the grievances by way of protests, rallies, meetings, and so on. Because Albanian culture has now shown signs of being embedded in structural change, the social conditions in Malėsia appear ripe for collective action. The demonstrations that took place in Tuz last October and again on 21 March should have caught no one by surprise, and should have signaled a warning to Podgorica that the Albanian question needs immediate inquiry.
In the same vein, the Albanian Diaspora organized its own demonstrations at a much grandeur style in Detroit and Washington, DC. The Albanian-American Association in Detroit, the largest and most assertive organization in the United States dealing specifically with Albanian rights issues in Montenegro, was conceived with a purpose of highlighting the disparities and troublesome human rights policies that continue to be practiced by Montenegros political elites. Their success has earned the attention of numerous Washington officials and non-governmental organizations, which are beginning to realize that an independent Montenegro does not necessarily spell a democratic Montenegro. With the referendum fast approaching, Albanians in Malėsia are expressing a desire once again to petition the government en-masse in an effort to elevate their grievances beyond the local level.
On the other hand, let us not be fooled, Montenegro is no Kosova where the rallying cry was well-defined for the international community. Nonetheless, what is happening in Malėsia today takes on similar connotations to what played out in the 1990s. The social, economic, political and civic repressions have reached a point in Malėsia where citizens are forced to abandon their ancient homeland for a better life abroad. There should be no wonder then why there are more Albanians from Montenegro living in Detroit than there are in all of Montenegro. This form of bureaucratic ethnic cleansing has drastically changed the composition of Albanians, where once densely populated lands such as Koja and Trieshi are now virtually emptied. The long-term effects have taken its toll; the Malėsia e Madhe that was once saturated with Albanians from the Gruda, Hoti, Trieshi, Koja and Luhari regions is now being contested by Montenegro as only consisting of Gruda and Hoti, a dangerous assertion that has many Albanians furious. Any attempt to divide these historic Albanian lands under any administrative or geographic circumstances threatens to undermine any reasonable negotiations between Podgorica and Malėsia.
An additional element to this argument has been the trouble dealing with war refugees. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, there were 28,493 displaced persons in Montenegro as of August 2004. Out of this number, 4,400 are Roma; 6,483 Serbs; and 4,074 Muslims. The UNCHR also claims that nearly 50,000 are living throughout Serbia and Montenegro who have not been officially registered, and who would thus have to be added to the overall figure. A large number of these displaced persons have crossed over into Malėsia and settled in the Konik and Vrella regions and are currently funded by the Montenegrin government. These majority Bosnian-Muslim settlements have significantly destabilized the ethnic composition of the region where the Albanian communities come in danger of falling below the majority threshold. Under these conditions, Albanian historic settlements are in jeopardy of falling under the ownership of members of a foreign group. Any deliberations on Malėsias future must incorporate the question of how to deal with displaced persons.
Balkan history has clearly demonstrated that when minorities feel powerless and left out of the power-sharing arrangement of society, they will try to gain local autonomy and break away in an effort to change their minority status into a majority. As a consequence, the longer minorities feel excluded, the ber those aspirations become. These are precisely the concerns that continue to cause havoc to international observers and scholars seeking to find solutions to how to deal with bastions of repressive governments. Montenegro is no exception. Many of the issues commented here have been subject to scholarly research and have begun to make their way to international conferences around the globe.
Research on the Albanian situation in Montenegro was presented last summer at the First International Global Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, where a special session dealing with minorities in Eastern Europe included a paper entitled, Political Integration of the Albanian Minority in Post-Communist Montenegro. In a similar vein, some of the themes presented in this commentary have been prepared for the upcoming 20th World Congress in Fukuoka, Japan in a paper entitled, Failing to Meet Europes Demands on Minority Rights: The Case of Montenegros Albanians. The research examines Montenegros policies towards its Albanian minority and touches upon three key issues that will be vital in assessing its progress towards European integration: (1) the role of political elites, parties and institutions, (2) political infrastructure: decentralization and municipal government, and (3) the influence of nationalism and ethnicity on political representation.
But academic inquiry into such areas only help us begin to understand the vast problems that exist in societies, it does not provide a clear-cut solution. For Albanians and Montenegrins alike, the first step is to agree what the problems are that exist (where some have been briefly touched upon here), and then a decision has to be made on how to tackle them. Nonetheless, if Albanians do not consent that infringements such as the right to use their language in courts and local administration; the funding of minority schools, universities, medical clinics, and media; the extent of local or regional self-government; the guaranteeing of legitimate political representation; and the prevention on settlement policies intended to engulf minorities in their historic homelands with settlers from the majority group is not reason enough to stand up and demand protection, then this author can assert that assimilation has achieved its ultimate goal, and Malėsia e Madhe north of the Albanian border has vanished. If Montenegro does not consider the consequences of this evolution detrimental to its future, then history has taught her nothing, and it will continue to repeat itself in the most profound and catastrophic ways.