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Anijeve shqiptare u ndalohet hyrja nė ujėrat territoriale amerikane

-- nga Beqir SINA, Nju Jork, SHBA Beqir Sina

Washington DC : Prej kėtij vendimi, bėhet e ditur se asnjė anije shqiptare nuk do tė tė lejohet tė hyjė nė portet amerikane, thotė njė vendim i shpallur nga Roja Bregdetare amerikane "Coast Guard". Vendimi, ėshtė marrė nga Roja Bregdetare Amerikane, e cila potencon mė tej nė njoftim se anijet shqiptare ashtu si dhe ato qė lundrojnė nė ujrat ndėrkombėtare me flamurin e Republikės Demokratike tė Kongos, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Madagaskari, Mauritania dhe Nauru, ėshtė konstatuar se ato nuk janė aspak tė sigurta dhe nuk kanė masa tė efektėshme nė luftėn kundra terrorizmit. Sipas kėtij vendimi, nė ujėrat amerikane pėrveq anijeve shqiptare nuk do tė ankorohen edhe anijet afrikane nga Republika Demokratike e Kongos, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Madagaskari, Mauritania dhe Nauru.

Anijet nga kėto vende do tė mund tė hyjnė nė portet e Shteteve tė Bashkuara tė Amerikės vetėm atėhere nėse ato tė paktėn paisen me masa tė larta sigurie, si vendosja e aparaturave vėzhguese e kontrolluese si edhe ndonjė roje tė armatosura nė anije, e tjer. Roja Bregdetare Amerikane, pėr kėtė qėllim ka nxjerr edhe njė udhėzues mė 28 shkurt tė kėtij viti pėr masat e sigurisė qė duhet tė marrin anijet qė hyjnė nė poertet amerikane. Vendimi i ndalimit tė anijeve tė mėsipėrme hynė nė fuqi mė 22 maj tė kėtij muaji.

U.S. to Deny Entry to Unprotected Ships
By Associated Press, May 5, 2005, 6:33 PM EDT

WASHINGTON -- Seven countries have such inadequate port security that Coast Guard officials will deny U.S. entry to ships that have visited them recently unless the vessels have taken precautions such as stationing armed guards at access points.

The countries -- Albania, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Madagascar, Mauritania and Nauru -- don't comply with the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.

That indicates they don't have effective anti-terrorism measures, the Coast Guard says.

The Coast Guard issued an advisory on Feb. 28 saying that any ship that has visited those countries within its last five port calls would be boarded and inspected before entering the United States.

Starting on May 23, ships that haven't met the Coast Guard's security standards will be denied entry to U.S. ports if they've visited those countries within their last five ports of call.

On the Net:
U.S. Coast Guard: http://www.uscg.mil/

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